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Approved NPC Liedol Botagg

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Liedol Botagg

  • Age: 32
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Trim and neat. Occasionally prone to flamboyant outfits, greatly enjoying the Baron Administrator's attire
  • Name: Liedol Botagg, Baron Administrator
  • Loyalties:
  • Cloud City
  • First Order (formerly)
  • Samka Derith (unknown)

  • Wealth: Comfortable
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills:
    ​Solid intelligence despite demeanour
  • Miraculous survival and recovery
  • Writes critically acclaimed detective stories in free time

[*]Personality: Botagg is eccentric but usually amiable. Possessive of things and people close to him, the Baron Administrator is prone to snapping when those things are threatened bringing anger most would not expect of such an unassuming figure. He can babble, show nerves and come across as generally strange but is also capable of surprising bravery and action when called upon.
  • Weapon of Choice: Sidearm
  • Combat Function: Botagg has basic training in blasters and hand to hand but he's unlikely to overpower trained soldiers
  • The underestimated - Botagg's strange quirks mean his very real competence surprises friend and foe alike
  • Never dying - Botagg has the most remarkable ability to emerge relatively unscathed from the most dire situations
  • Noncombatant - While Botagg has very basic combat skills they remain that: very basic
  • Distracted - The Baron Administrator has flashes of confidence and inspiration. He also has flashes of incompetency.
Born and raised in middle class Cloud City, Botagg's family worked in administration for the powerful Tibanna gas mining companies, drifting between those who offered the greatest pay and benefits. Botagg graduated university with a degree in literature and drifted into civilian administration. He mostly flew under the radar until the First Order assumed control of the system. From there he was appointed to serve as a point of contact between the First Order's local regime and the commerce giants which dominated Bespin.

Botagg fulfilled his job faithfully for years, finding a wife, having a child and, unfortunately, a divorce not long after. The First Order's evacuation of Bespin caught the planet by surprise and various factions began vying for political influence. Once the dust was settled, the role of Baron Administrator was, quite shocking, handed to Liedol Botagg. The sudden appointment of a mid-tier civil servant was widely justified as the compromise candidate, a man who would not be alone in senior office but with a dedicated team. Someone who had worked hard through his life and was reliable enough to steer both the Imperial and commerce factions into a middle ground at least until the hard time were over.

Unknown to all, even Botagg himself, a sinister seed has been planted in his mind. The Baron Administrator is telepathically linked to Samka Derith, a senior leader of the mysterious Dark Side organisation known as the Knights of Ren. Subtle manipulation guides his tenure as leader of the one of the economic hubs of the galaxy.
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