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Character Liene E-230


OOC Writer Account



[Appearance & Medical]
Physical Description: The spitting image of her mother. Liene is an extraordinarily tall late adolescent woman with pale porcelain skin besmirched by surgical incision scars running along the length of her limbs and across her body. Liene is built like a chiselled Olympian swimmer with dark brown virtually black hair, generally styled in a short ponytail and a pair of blue eyes set in almond-shaped sockets. Liene's cheekbones stand proud and high in her face, tapering down into a rounded jaw with a disc-shaped chin. Liene's lips are shaped like a bow sitting beneath a delicate-looking nose with a pair of thin nostrils.

Medical Condition/Procedure(s):

  • Current:
    • Antisocial Personality Disorder (sub-clinical).
    • Hemilaryngectomy.
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (sub-clinical).
  • Former:
Liene E-230, born as "Liene Graf", is an Elite Trooper and one of thirty-four Troopers from the top ten per cent of the Elite Program's alumni to be organised by Military Intelligent into covert specialised Hunter-Killer teams codenamed "Seekers"; as a member of the Seekers, she was given the callsign "Nern", and its' corresponding Aurebesh symbol became her assumed identity during Imperial Military Operations. Liene is among the youngest Elite Troopers to be enrolled in the Seekers.

Liene was separated as a young child from the custody of her Father during the tumultuous conflicts and evacuations raging through the Core. Liene eventually fell into the custody of the Empire as one of its displaced wards, ostensibly a war orphan Liene and the authorities were both ignorant of her origins. There, she joined the paramilitary school of the Imperial Academy. As a child, Liene suffered from recurring bouts of cancer after having her genome sequenced Imperial Scientists identified that Liene's DNA was significantly mutated with desirable markers for the ongoing ELITE Program.

Conscripted and marked as deceased in public Imperial databases, she was christened "Liene E-230", her lineage and family name erased from her classified personnel file. Joining the last of four classes of ELITE candidates, Liene underwent what was considered the most refined training program until that point, trained by senior Elite operators who knew the battles and wars their juvenile charges would one day be expected to face and combat. Liene was a remarkably charismatic child; she made friends everywhere she went. Eventually, these qualities and her competence landed her in a team leader position.

Liene graduated Class IV's training program with remarkable results, earning an accredited undergraduate degree in paramedicine and being competitively ranked in the top 15% of trainees through their military training. Liene underwent physiological augmentation at thirteen years old. Unfortunately, she was initially disabled by the augmentations as her body's muscle mass grew uncontrollably, and the cardiac remodelling resulted in her experiencing cardiac arrhythmia at seventy beats per minute. The multi-disciplinary team of Physicians on the Elite Program's staff attributed Liene's violent rejection to her pre-existing genetic mutation. It took Liene twenty months of intensive therapy to remediate the problems with her physiology and be activated as a fully operational Elite Trooper.

Participating in the Empire's conflict against the Maw and then Galactic Alliance under the tutelage of her teammate and mentor Annor E-059, the two were not fast friends with their clash of Annor's selfishness and Liene's altruism. Though, Liene's altruism and good nature won over Annor with time. During the battle of Tython in 874 ABY, Annor and Liene were split up from one another, and Liene was forced to board an Imperial corvette called the "Dauntless" and Captained by Lieutenant Commander Reis. The Dauntless was full of wounded Imperial soldiers and Imperial Citizens. Their transport was forced to execute a hyperspace jump while still caught in the gravity well of the world. This threw Liene's corvette wildly off-course, and they emerged at the end of their jump orbiting a main sequence star named "Banshee" within the unknown regions. The system's name was lost to Imperial Archives, the only sign of intelligent life was a space station called "Samas Station", built in the remains of one of the moons orbiting Banshee II, a gas giant.

Reis and Liene hailed the space station with only static for a reply; as the Dauntless closed with the station, their Corvette was tethered by the station's powerful tractor beams and subdued, dragged to an airlock. Liene led what few healthy Imperial Soldiers remained on the ship to the docking collar, armed and prepared. A full platoon of Humanoid-looking soldiers wearing navy blue armour over khaki fatigues and brandishing mass driver rifles filed into the ship through the docking collar. After a brief, tense armed standoff with Colonel Bart, the leader of the mysterious soldiers, a short firefight ensued, which the single squad of Imperial soldiers couldn't withstand. Liene was grievously wounded and taken captive by Colonel Bart and his men.

Liene was put into stasis by the space station's government and retained for study due to her unique physiology managing to survive catastrophic injuries. Overseer Harlow, the station's head of government, authorised Colonel Bart to oversee a project to attempt to replicate Liene's physiological mutations and extract useful information about the Galaxy from her nervous system. In the latter case, Colonel Bart was successful however the isolationist society simply didn't have the pre-requisite scientific education or understanding to reproduce Liene's augmentations. Overseer Harlow ordered Colonel Bart to turn Liene's loyalties to their cause through whatever means necessary. Bart started by offering incentives to Liene to turn against her government, claiming they would be none the wiser and offer her a life of luxury if they aided Harlow's war against the Secessionists. The Seccionists on Samas station wanted to end their centuries-long isolation.

Seeing her only possible salvation in the Seccionist cause, Liene refused to aid Colonel Bart. Colonel Bart, with a team of scientists, tried to turn Liene into a mindless, voiceless drone and initially subjected her to an extraordinarily painful surgical procedure where her Larynx was partially removed to limit her speaking ability. Before they could attempt to turn Liene into a mindless drone, the Secessionists launched an attack on Samas Station's nuclear fusion powerplant, disrupting the power supply to the Psychiatric hospital where Liene was being kept. A rebel fighter arrived at the Psychiatric hospital ostensibly employed as an electrician and released Liene from her cell, and helped the amnesiac woman escape. Liene was taken into the Mines of Vetka, the base for the Secessionists, the moon that Samas Station was built atop. Liene was nursed back to health by the Seccionists; though she couldn't speak, the Seccionists kindly instructed Liene in sign language.

Liene met with their leader, a Human man named Durinn, who believed that Samas Station needed to end their long isolation and seek out friends and allies among the stars. Durinn expressed that the arrival of Liene's soldiers was proof of his cause's righteousness. Durinn complimented Liene's capabilities retelling the rumours that had spread through Samas about the lone warrior aboard the Dauntless who fell scores of Harlow's soldiers single-handed. Durinn told Liene he knew, based on her existence, that Samas' society would not survive contact with the culture and society that held Liene allegiance. Durinn invited Liene to support their cause in exchange Durinn pledged any Government he formed to the Empire. Liene shook Durinn's hand, and the smooth-headed bearded Durinn walked over to a nearby Mannequin in the room and pulled its cloth veil free to reveal Liene's suit of RAMPART-powered assault armour.

Durinn's revolutionaries assisted Liene with breaking Commander Reis and a few surviving Imperial troops out of Samas' detention; Reis' leadership would prove invaluable to the Revolutionaries' cause. A week passed after the prison break. Wanting to keep bloodshed to a minimum, Liene was tasked with disabling key infrastructure and eliminating senior officers in Harlow's security forces who were unlikely to be persuaded by the public and revolutionaries. Liene was tasked with eliminating Colonel Bart, she brutally finished the assignment by humiliating the Colonel with a savage effortless beating and then forced the man to lay on a fragmentation grenade while she stood in the full weight of her armour on his spine. Harlow backed into a corner and, faced with defeat, attempted to overload Samas' fusion reactor at the climax of a titanic battle with the override codes in his possession; the Overseer baited Liene into a one-on-one confrontation standing on one end of a narrow hallway.

Harlow reversed the floor's gravity panels as Liene rushed headlong towards him; the reversed gravity threw Liene in armour toward the ceiling and pinned her there. Harlow then walked toward Liene and gloated, saying to the Post-Human warrior: "Our isolation is worth every life we have lost; I won't let you throw their lives away into the quenchless Maw that awaits on our borders." Liene mustered the strength to speak a few hoarse, scratchy words: "They will choose for themselves." Commander Reis then shot the distracted Harlow from fifty metres at the hallway's throat, where it tapered into a wide atrium. Reis and Liene then took the override access key from Harlow's body and narrowly averted Catastrophe. Liene would return to the Empire with the one-million-strong community of Samas from the Banshee Sector in the Unknown regions behind her. After a lengthy debrief, Liene was decorated and promoted to Chief Special Warfare Operator, inducted into the "Seekers." and placed at the disposal of the Lord-Regent Erskine Barran.

Back in Samas, President Durinn Losk oversaw the system's accession into the Empire the station became an important ore production facility and remote refuelling outpost for the Imperial Navy. Durinn honoured Liene as the "Hero of Samas" And erected a bronze statue in the station's government sector in her honour, its' plaque reading: "Dauntless into the Stars". Liene's statue holds an oil lantern raised in her left armoured hand and a rifle held by its' receiver in the right hand beside her knee.

[Equipment Information]
[Familial & Association Information]

  • Paternal Family:
    • Indeterminate Human Male (Father)
  • Maternal Family:
Beast Companion(s):


[Personality Profile]
  • Big Five Personality Traits:
    • Inventive
    • Organized
    • Outgoing
    • Callous
    • Confident
  • Social Traits:
    • Lawful
    • Chaste
    • Vindictive
    • Altruistic
    • Deceitful
    • Brutal
    • Rational
  • Personal Traits:
    • Empathetic
    • Renegade
    • Cautious
    • Ascetic
    • Valourous
  • Triad Traits:
    • Dark Triad:
      • Psychopathy
    • Light Triad:

Liene "Nern" E-230 self-portrait

Personality: Liene's youthful appearance at first glance belies her mature determination and stubborn tenacity; separated from the guardianship of any parental figure at a young age and then conscripted by the Imperial Military and then abducted into the ELITE program Liene has a tremendous sense of duty and responsibility. Liene is not above neglecting operational orders if she feels they obstruct her from doing what she feels is necessary to win the day. It could be said, therefore, that Liene is ruthless to the point of callousness. Liene's brutality as a warrior is guided by high intelligence and a cautious hand; she considers the use or threat of base violence to be the utmost expression of political power and authority. Despite all of her indoctrination and training, Liene understands and knows compassion she will often go out of her way to prevent children from being victimised or become a casualty of war. Liene, in a social context, is a disarming force; she doesn't waste time with the small talk of normal people she asks surgically precise questions, and she doesn't fish for information so much as charge toward it. In the absence of meaningful conversation, she is oft perceived by normal Humans as cold and aloof.


  • Short Term:
    • Develop a closer working relationship with colleagues and comrades.
  • Mid-Term:
    • Obtain an officer's commission.
    • Purchase a luxurious apartment in Bastion's central business district.
  • Long Term:
    • Rediscover the secrets of her childhood.
    • Rectify her Hemilaryngectomy.
Project: Silverlight: Liene is a post-human warrior; she has been mutated by an extremely invasive chemical, biological, genetic and surgical procedure. Liene can now lift three times her body mass multiplied three times at standard gravity without mechanical assistance. Liene's skeleton is sheathed in a Boron Carbide, making her bones, in practical terms, at least unbreakable; her muscles and connective tissues are ultradense and have achieved a size simply unattainable by Baseline Human athletes even when considering those taking performance-enhancing supplements. Liene's eyes have been surgically altered where the photoreceptors have been moved from over the photoreceptors to behind them, allowing more visible light to be absorbed. In addition, Liene's eyes have been implanted with bionic lenses, permitting Liene to see at eighty feet what normal humans see at twenty feet. The immune system is boosted, and it is significantly harder for infections and diseases to take hold over Liene's physiology with the healing response altered, allowing her to fully recover from injuries that would disable a baseline Human. Liene's nerve tissues have nanoparticulate superconducting materials grafted into them and now have a nerve conduction velocity of 240 to 260 metres per second, significantly increased over the Human average of 50 metres per second.

Sign Language Expert: Struggling to speak has forced upon Liene the necessity to become highly proficient in sign language; she has voraciously studied several different variations of communicating using signs, including alien versions such as Tusken Sign Language, and she is also proficient in the Elite Program's specific brand of sign language.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation: Liene's skeletal structure has been reinforced to the point where her bones are nigh unbreakable due to mechanical force or physical exertion; this has its drawbacks. For example, Liene can't be effectively resuscitated or revived through typical techniques utilised for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation by another Human. This leaves Liene more vulnerable to unfavourable outcomes from Cardiac arrhythmia.

Flash Blindness: Liene's eyes, due to their modifications and significantly better uptake of visible light into the photoreceptors, is more vulnerable to Flash Blindness or other bright lights being shone into her face, especially when her pupils have relaxed. Liene can be temporarily blind for some time, directly proportional to over-constriction of the pupils caused by excessive light being focused through her pupils, the experience is also debilitatingly painful.

Verbal Communication: With a Larynx that has been damaged and the malfunctioning part of the organ removed, Liene is incapable of speaking at an easily perceptible volume, and when she does speak, it is quiet and has an unpleasantly pained hoarse quality; Liene requires a prosthetic of some nature to speak in a pitch and volume that would be considered acceptable for ongoing casual conversation. As a soldier, she uses her helmet's annunciator to amplify her speech or resorts to using sign language.


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