Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life and all the rubbish that comes with it

Hey guys,

Wanted to pop in and let you all know that i haven't just bailed, and apologise for my sudden absence for those of you who are waiting on posts!

While i'm lucky to have had a promotion at work which is eating a lot of my time, I'm also facing the possibility of losing my flat which sucks, so life is a bit a queen atm. I'll be doing my best to get back online but posts will be few and far between because when things get crappy, this is the best place to come and hide from it all :)

Miss you all <3

Connor Harrison

[member="Mia Monroe"] I hope all works out for you, but many congrats on the promotion! :)

Kick RL in the ass and stand tall. We'll be here to help whenever you need us.

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