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Private Life and Death, Death and Life, Right Next Door To Each Other!

Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will

Location: Project Necromancer Labs
Planet Wayland
Hostiles On Planet: Zillo Beast

TAG: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion



The Planet Wayland was full of secrets.. a place where The Galactic Empire had conducted cloning operations of a most "unnatural" sort. The Forest world was unlike the many barren Sith worlds that were an obvious shelter for dark sorceries. This world was teeming with life.. and that was what had attracted this Lord of Life. Hemorpheus had come, partly for his new Mistress Nyxira Valis Nyxira Valis who he had pledged himself to, her storm was coursing though his soul, and his eyes reflecting her power in the glowing purple of her supremacy. Legends said that somewhere on Wayland was a lab, inside it contained cloning techniques that differed radically from that of Kamino. The concept of copying another's genetics and making a complete duplicate was an abomination to him on one level, it was not natural life, it was not the unique breath he was hunting in his Odessey. However, it was life, and was very much in harmony with Darth Plagueis’ research and Midi-chlorian manipulation.

The Tempest came out of hyperspace and poised itself over the great mint green and white world. There on the bridge, The Vassal of the Storm looking down on the lush paradise that he would soon set foot on considered what he would do when he found the lab. Would het retrieve the technology for His Mistress, or destroy it as altar of false life? These two natures ran within him, service to Her and his own ethics as The Lord of Life. Only when he would come to the lab would he be absolutely certain how he would proceed.

The Shuttle descended into the fog of the atmosphere, its obsidian haul and wings gliding on the cloud cover as if it were a sea itself. Below was a the green tops of the towering trees that covered the entire planet save the high mountains that rose as rocky pyramids. The Base was in the mountains, and was said to have been stripped long ago by Grand Moff Tarkin after it was attacked, all assets being transported off planet. What the Lord of Life knew is that great scientists never stored all their eggs in one basket, that a lab poised on the mountain cliffs was too obvious, that the greater research would remain hidden, and what better place than the forest? Nothing from the air would mark its enterance. It would require one attuned in the ways of the Force, and able to detect the slightest detail to find the door...

A clearing that was enveloped by trees was where the Former Achon landed. The Black Bat like shuttle set down, and the ramp dropping, from the interior the first thing that could be seen is the Lord of Life's glowing amethyst eyes. Stepping on to the green earth, feeling the breeze of the wind, and the trees creaking around him, he closed his eyes and took in this calm of life. He had been creating instruments of death for his Mistress, Life and death, and while it did afford him the chance to test his Plagueian skills, he was beginning to feel as if he was becoming more of Nexion's shadow. Dues always had to be paid, to learn the secrets Darth Nyx was promising to teach him required that he contribute his end of the bargain and give her weapons of flesh. He could not complain, the storm that he shared with her was soothing, and gave him purpose, an omniscience of sorts, the price though was undoubtedly she could see and hear what he was doing. This did not alarm the Former Archon, the partnership had given him a renewed sense of purpose.

Taking some steps in his Red Armor, his face exposed, now that he was not doomed to wear that mask to breath. Shedding it was very much like shedding the past, and little did he know that he would be confronted with it, here in the cradle of clone creation...
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Nexion wasn't sure how long it had been, but he had been travelling through space for a very long time. He had been chasing rumours of an old project left by the Galactic Empire from long ago. While the simple prospect of a project would seem to be of little interest to the necromancer, Nexion couldn't help but find himself curious. So, he'd been following any trail of information he could find until finally, he had found where he needed to go. The planet Wayland was rather far from where he had heard about it, so he had been travelling for quite some time.

Eventually, however, he arrived at his destination at last. He flew over the surface of the planet before he at last found his prize, the facility housed in the environment. He found a clearing where he landed his ship, but was quick to realise there was another ship in the same area. It was unfamiliar to him, which failed to bother him, but he could feel a familiar presence. It was one he found in recent memory, but it felt different so it was hard for him to recognise.

He left his ship and began to make his way to the facility, trying to recognise the familiar presence. It felt so familiar that he was surprised at his inability to recognise it.

As he neared the facility, he began to wonder in his head just what was it about this project that made him so interested? He didn't know anything about the project, but his instincts just made him feel as though he needed to find it.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
TAG: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

As the Lord of Life began to make his way in the woods, the shadows of the tree tops concealing him from above. And yet he felt it.. a presence, a living presence was nearby. This was curious since he understood that the planet was abandoned. As he concentrated on this signature in the Force, he began to feel something he knew, the scent of decaying flesh permeating the senses. Could it be?

Hemorpheus made his way between the trunks that shot up to the heavens, he tried to sense where the secret facility might be. He began to consider where he might disguise it. It was then as he began to walk towards some roots, and saw a great cluster of leaves and mesh, particular mossy bits. Reaching out his hand, he levitating the pieces off to reveal a tunnel entrance. The Former Archon took his saber from his belt, and immolated the magenta fire, as he began to enter therein. At first it was cave formations, with rock and slab, but then he felt metal beneath his feet, and saw a door half ajar. It was made of a deep gray, and the lights of red were no longer functioning. Reaching with her hand, he began to pry it open, stepping through. He was now in some sort of bunker, with halls, and panels, the floor had marks of a struggle, claw marks. Holding his humming blade as light, he began to look at the screens and counters, upon which was cups that were covered in dust. It was clear that no one had been her in a long time. Pressing on he came to a room with many glass tubes, like becta tanks, most empty, one had water that had stagnated. Another pod was broken, glass shard strewn on the floor, and claw marks. Something had escaped and it reminded him of Odar-Faustin.

He made his way to another room, where chains hung, and dried blood was all over them. Taking hold of one of the links he squinted, so far nothing was promising when he saw one pod with a figure in it, waters bubbling, and life signs on the panel still in the green. Curious, was it a seperate life support system. Looking into the tube he saw it had ginger red hair, and eyes white as its flesh. The Lord of Life turning to a table, saw a datapad, and taking it brought it to life, and saw the notes of the Scientists, making him look at the Clone in the tube with a rather grave expression, as he immolated his blade anew...
Nexion trudged through the forest before he eventually found an entrance to the facility. He continued to sense the presence and felt it enter the facility as well, so he carried on in that general direction. As he wandered through the hallways of the facility, he took note of old technology, blast marks on the walls, and the occasional body. Should a fight emerge, it's good to know where he has to send his power to. The further into the facility he got, the darker it seemed to be. So he ignited one of his lightsabers in his left hand, the red light providing better visibility in front of him.

He carried on and continue to sense the presence, which was becoming infuriatingly familiar, yet he couldn't be sure of who it was he was sensing. He had an idea of who it was, but there was something about them that felt off... different, and not in a good way as far as Nexion was concerned. He was sure that if his guess as to who it was, was correct, the difference in their presence may be explained.

Eventually, he came across a heavy duty door. One that was clearly made with the idea of it needing to survive a lot of, or one very large, explosion. Looking at it as a mere inconveniance, he raised his right hand and balled it into a fist. The door began to creak and groan, befinning to crush in on itself. Nexion then threw his fist to the side and the door tore off of it's hinges. He stepped inside a room and immediately noticed chains hanging from the ceiling with dried blood, and many pods in the room... ... it was just like his lab on the Dominion. But then, he noticed one other individual and he recognised him. He may not have seen his face before, but his stance with his blade drawn,a nd the presence surrounding him told him all he needed to know. With a smirk on his face, he spoke in an amused tone.

"Hemmy, old friend, is that you?"

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
The tip of his burning kyber was ready to strike, it was touching the glass of the tube with the Clone therein, when he felt it.. the presence he had not felt since.. he left the Diarchy. This was confirmed when he heard the voice, unmistakable it was from any other, the Lord of Death himself, his brother in the mysteries of life and death. Turning, Hemorpheus' long deep red hair swayed in its long locks, and his glowing eyes of deep lavender.
"By the immortal gods.. Nex?! In all the systems, of all the worlds, we at last cross paths."
The Lord of Life was amazed at his transformation in the presence of his old friend. The very sight of his Brother made him feel at ease, and for a moment he forgot His Mistress, and that he was about to cut the Clone pod asunder and kill the specimen inside.

There was not hiding how glad Hemorpheus was to see Nexion, his greatest regret when he left The Diarchy was that the two of them would torn apart and no longer work closely together in their very opposite, yet harmonious fields of study. Life and Death, they were together again, and it seemed all was right in the galaxy once more. The Lord of Life even felt memories stir, of when they worked in their respective labs, and did join efforts like the Odar-Faustin Mission which was fiasco, though a fun one. It was the last time they all were together, Nex, Him, and Ana.. he wondered about her, and how she was fairing, though he did not ask The Archon. Though he suspected his Old Friend probably could read his feelings, especially since he no longer had that mask to mask them.

"I should have anticipated you would come. This was called Project Necromancy after all." said Hemorpheus with a smirk. His face was still pale despite the long periods of exposure to sunlight, a skin condition that most Dark Siders suffered from. Though Lord Nexion was pale for altogether reasons, Hemorpheus use to tease him it was something he contracted from hanging out with corpses all day. So here they were, Lords of Life and Death in a secret lab on Wayland, a world were illegal experiments had been conducted to create life from death. It was obvious that this was the perfect place for a reunion, it being of interest to them both...

TAG: Darth Nexion Darth Nexion

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