"Ah, it is a difficult story to tell. I'm not sure how much you know of Trandoshan culture, but you probably know we really dislike Wookies. We're also very competitive. As a young one, I was bigger and stronger, but had nothing to set me apart. So I decided to prove myself. To everyone. As an adolescent, I set out to the known location of some Wookies researching on Trandosha. They had diplomatic immunity, Republic protection, the whole lot, but none of that mattered to me. I camped just outside of their facility and then made some noises to attract one. The Wookie that came out was younger than I was at the time. I gave him one look in the eyes, drank in the fear, and then mercilessly killed him, making sure not to damage the pelt. I skinned him and prepared his fur as a trophy to wear. Then threw him back in the facility. I left wearing his skin and listening to the screams of the Wookies. I should have been proud, as all my fellow Trandoshans were, after all, I was a legend, but I was not proud. I was scarred for life. I'm only now realizing I will never exactly be stable because of it."