Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life just never seems to go away

Recently I have been having some problems with my computer. A lot of you know this. Even more so, with finals coming up, I need to focus more on my school work anyways so I can graduate. Anyways, case and point, I am giving up on my computer for now. And going to be working more on school, and even getting a job since my last one ended rather rudely just a week ago. *very long story saved for a different time*

I will be leaving the site for a time. Until I can fix my computer problem. EIther with new parts, or just a new laptop all together since the thing is old. That Means I will also need a job. And graduate school.

I love you all, and I hate to say goodbye. But I have to go.

So I'll see you around?

[member="Xander Carrick"]

You will see us around, cause we will be here to welcome you back. And.. we hope you will have good news to tell in that you have completed graduation!

The best of luck with it all... !!!

We love you too Xander!

Connor Harrison

[member="Xander Carrick"]

Sorry to hear all that - it's like RL never gives you a break much at the moment.

STILL - good times ahead for you I hope with graduation and a new laptop (possibly). We'll be here when you get back and look forward to your return as soon as you're ready.

[member="Xander Carrick"]

Your studies and RL stuff takes top priority. Please drop us a line or two when you can. As we still care be waiting for you when you return. I promise to take care of home front here.

We all love you back.

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