Keira Priest
The Iron
Abandoned Warehouse
It had been awhile. The last time Keira had met with a student in such a formal fashion - not that their current locale was anything close to properly formal - had been when she was just over twenty years old, freshly Knighted and still altogether inexperienced. That apprentice hadn't lasted overly long, valuing his allegiances to the Sith above all else, and eventually they had cut ties. The decision had turned out to be better for her in the end, granting her the opportunity to learn for herself what it meant to hold a larger measure of power as her own before attempting to teach others how to access the same abilities they were capable of. She hadn't taken on another student until she obtained the rank of Master, and from there it seemed things had only picked up pace.Now she had four apprentices and what seemed to be too little time on her hands, her life finally having taken off now that she had a family as well. And nothing was in danger of slowing down, as that newest student had requested to meet, and so she had obliged, responding with nothing more than coordinates and a designated time. As with those others she taught the exact transpiration of this convergence would ultimately be left up to the one that had come seeking knowledge in the first place. Everything would be at the speed of the learner, and she wouldn't hinder or push things along any more than necessary. However unorthodox a teacher she was, she knew what limits remained as well.
She had arrived no more than a few minutes early, dressed casually but nearly fully armed, lightsaber at her waist, leather jacket disguising the CW-77 on her left forearm and the combat knife on her right. That wasn't to say she was worried about just who this new arrival might be, but this was training, and she believed in her students being versatile, able to handle whatever might come their way. And maybe live weapons weren't the best way to achieve that, but insofar as she knew this one was a touch more experienced combatant than the others, meaning she at the very least knew what to expect and how to counter marginally well, not leaving herself open. That would serve well enough as anything for the beginning, and only time would tell where things would continue from there on out.
[member="Adali Renning"]