Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life on the Rim (Intro to ORC)

Potentas grunted as he worked the spanner across the opening hatched, holding a pair of plyers in one had and tweezers in his mouth. The wires in this particular panel had ceased to send electronic charge, which was a problem because they were the wires that sent a signal from the control panel to the mechanized locks required for a stable landing. The error had made their landing on the platform, pretty interesting. Or so the pilot had said while the captain had informed the crew that they might have some slight turbulence and then explode. Potentas had managed to make a temporary patchwork repair that had saved their lives, but until he had given the ship a full service and necessary diagnostic’s to ensure that everything was working in order. Given Potentas had bartered his way onto the ship as a mechanic, felt it was only fair that he make the required adjustments.

Potentas did some breathing exercises as he worked. The work was fairly standard and he could do it almost on automatic. Potentas was reminded of his childhood working on junker after junker, from Raxus Prime to Corellia to Tattooine to Taris and the list went on and on. Passed from one crew to the next. It wasn’t until the Silver Jedi he had ever stayed in one place for longer than a month, but he had never quite fit in their either. He had tried, really tried, he was a good monk boy, obeyed his masters and his lessons, and he had learnt a lot, his skills had grown, his understanding and knowledge of the force, and along with it the power. Truthfully though he had never felt at ease, he’d thought if he had obeyed, trained, studied that one day he would just fit.

If Potentas was being honest with himself the only time he had felt at peace was during combat. Which unfortunately was also when he had tapped into the darker aspects of himself.. and the Dark Side along with it.

Potentas was brought out of his inner monologue by a squirt of fuel directly to his face.

“Karabas” Potentas spat trying to get the fuel out of his mouth, face and eyes, while he tried desperately to plug the leak. So much for being on automatic.

Kyle Farnes

The Clan Tabalhar Warden was making his rounds of the Rim. The Alliance in Exile was working on a number of different things, including taking back Sullust. But a lot of the units were folding into the Coalition. Kyle didn’t see that as a bad thing, not per se. With his Pursuer, he had landed out on the platform. He’d seen the other ship and he looked over at it. Not in beskar, well, not full beskar, helmet in the ship, and mostly just his chest piece, bronzed on his chest.

His hip found his blaster pistol, and the rest of his armor was light, for a Mandalorian. Preferring to be light, it allowed for him to be fleet of foot, but also gain a martial leg up on the pirates that he was running into as a Warden. Here it was just for comfort, but he heard the voice of someone cussing. Stepping around to see who had spoken, he called out.

“Need a hand?”

Not that he was a mechanic, but he was a Warden, and keeping a ship working was what he did.

Veino paused and looked up from the datapad as he strode along the landing bays. Someone was having issues. And looked like one of the Mandalorians was going to see what was up. A frown pursed his face as he tried to remember the man's name. Bly Barnes? Something close to that? No, it was Kyle. Kyle Farnes. He remembered that now. Tabalhar clan, one of Kiyron's, plus a Warden.

Didn't recognize the other man who was having problems with the landing gear. "Hold up!" Veino called, stashing the datapad in its belt holster. "I'll grab a rag and stuff it so it doesn't keep spouting."

He ruffled through some of the gear left around from the last departure and picked up a greasy cloth before he hurried over and stuffed it into the leak. "That can hold it for a bit. See what's causing it?"
Potentas continued to spit and wipe at his eyes, as the murky greasy fluid gave him a bad taste in his mouth and blurry vision. He was grateful when help arrived. As he had finally wiped off most of the offending liquid he glanced at the unexpected help.

A Mandalorian?

Potentas experience with Mandalorians had mostly been in combat. They were fierce enemies, not easily defeated. Potentas had traded once with one. The Mandalorian at the time had needed some power cells and cores. Potentas had needed an adapter coyle. It had been a fair trade and the Mandalorian had been terse but polite. Potentas supposed that based on that experience not all Mandalorians were trigger happy gunslingers who hunted Jedi for sport. Besides this one had offered to help on his own initiative.

“Yes please” Potentas admitted gratefully “Hold that Fuel line tight while I find something to plug the leak”

Potentas searched his tool kit for something to plug the leak or maybe make a haphazard tourniquet to tie off the loose end. Fortunately another source of help came to his aid.

A rag was provided to plug the hole, giving Potentas time to tie off the fuel line in a makeshift tourniquet.

“Thanks” Potentas grunted as he studied the issues at hand. “The wiring was splintered so the landing gear wasn’t receiving commands from the pilot terminal. I’d had to reroute our power into the thrusters, to use them to slow down our descent. Landing was a bit jolty, but we’d survived.”

Potentas studied the fuel line and saw what had cause the leak. The landing gear had been half cocked, but hadn’t been fully stabilized by the time of their abrupt landing, the gears had been put under pressure, causing pressure on the fuel line. Pressure that had built up and then been released into Potentas waiting mouth.

Potentas sighed exasperated.

“Blast it, we’re gonna need a new fuel line”

@Veirno Garn [member="Kyle Farnes"]

Kyle Farnes

Kyle was not your typical Mandalorian. He could spell, he could read, he could write, and politics involved more than a well placed wrist rocket. Hell, his beskar’gam didn’t even contain a launcher. He’d been supporting the Alliance in its waning days, and was finding himself around the Coalition a lot. Helping people was what he was here for. That and providing recon for the groups he supported. Welcome to Clan Tabalhar, after all.

He didn’t even have a weapon in hand. But the other one, the Jensaarai had stepped up with a rag. Kyle nodded, it was none other than Garn, huh? Small galaxy. Still, stepping up, he grabbed the fuel line.

“You all take a hit? Pirates?” He wanted to know who or what was in his territory. But first things were first, get this ship ready to roll. His Pursuer was fine, and he didn’t really fear anything stopping his leaving this station in a hurry.

Not that he suspected that would be the case.

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino twisted the rag around the line and stuffed it in further to seal the breach before stepping back to take a look at the whole thing. “Yeah, looks pretty bad. Someone’s been shorting on repairs lately.” His gaze took into the rest of the ship before turning and offering a quick, greasy handshake to Kyle. “Long Time, Farnes. Good to see you again.”

He offered his hand to the new person as well. “Veino Garn. Glad to help. Always awkward when landing gear gets bad. All those dangers in space and it can just as easily be the moment we reach safety that’s our end.” He shrugged and wiped his hands on his well worn and stained coat. “Should be able to get s fuel line somewhere just outside the spaceport. You new on world? Can probably point some out if you’re not familiar with them.”

[member="Kyle Farnes"]
Potentas sighed and let out a huff, he glanced up as the Mandalorian asked if they’d been hit, by pirates. Potentas snorted.

“No as far as a I know, it’s just been neglected by their previous ‘genius’ mechanic”

Potentas answered with heavy sarcascism on the genius.

“Blasted Porg was more interested in his spices and latest exotic conquest, from what I hear.”

Potentas explained washing his hands and face in a nearby water pump.

“We- the crew left him on Malastare, last I heard he’d tried to put up the ship as bet on the Pod Racing”

Potentas decided he’d done as much as he could without access to a proper shower.

“Though if the bookie had realised the state of the ship, I doubt he’d have accepted the wager. Not that he’d be able to pay now at any rate”

Potentas finished his frustrated rant, and turned to his two helping hands. They seemed to know each other, though apparently not well.

“Potentas” he introduced himself, offering his hand for a handshake “Hithicking mechanic”

“I appreciate the help, and if you know anyway, anyone or anywhere I could get a decent fuel line, I’d be grateful. Not that your help hasn’t already earned my gratitude”

@Veino Garn @Kyle Farnes

Kyle Farnes

The Sometimes Warden Fulltime Mandalorian was definitely interested in what was in and around this sector of space. More a soldier of opportunity, he knew that if he provided the Underground with information, he was going to be paid and reimbursed. Plus the good vibes, and everything. Shaking the Saarai-Kaar’s hand, Kyle nodded. “Good to see you as well, Master Garn.”

“Ah, neglect, the downfall of all ships.” And any vehicle, really. Maybe it was the Rim in him talking, but taking care of your equipment was so essential. Kept you moving, and kept you alive. “We can get fuel, no problem. Helps when you know a few people. But what about the rest of the work?”

He looked at the ship and shook his head. “Needs a good few days of dry dock and attention, I’d say.” But he wasn’t a mechanic. He knew how to disable a ship, and knock down pirates.

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino nodded as the other man spoke, giving another gesture to Kyle. "Good to meet you, Potentas. And few things are as disappointing as a bad mechanic. Puts a lot of people's lives on the line." He ran a hand through his beard and shrugged. "That's the best I can suggest for a fuel line, but Kyle here has the right idea. Not an expert with ships, but--" He shrugged. "Needs a lot of work."

Head tilted, he listened as the man spoke. "Itinerant mechanic. Bold move. Used to work as a itinerant shiphand for a couple years. Nothing particularly specific. Just the basic labor that keeps it all functioning. Ever been to Terminus before?"
Potentas sighed and nodded wearily in agreement with the two helping hands. There was nothing to be done but do a full system schematic and check to see what else had been neglected or damaged.. A fuel line was a nothing part, but it was a nothing part until you don’t got one. Then it’s an everything part. The truly annoying part is that these ships could run forever with a mechanic even half awake.

Potentas had done what he could, he’d always had a gift when it came to mechanical jobs. Some easier than others. Ideally a ship seemed to sing to him, unfortunately this one more screeched at him in pain. Pull of anyone of a thousand parts and it’d fall apart.

“It will take atleast a week before the ship was operational again” Potentas grimaced.

Potentas glanced at his new companions.

“Nope first time.” Potentas informed them. “I usually don’t stay too long in one place, prefer a life on the run so to speak. Though I’m not much of an Outlaw”

Potentas said with a grin. At least he didn’t think he was an outlaw. There might be a warrant or two left behind in his wake. Like he said he usually didn’t stay too long in one place, so had never stuck around to see if the trouble that seemed to follow him ever made its way into warrant territory.

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Kyle Farnes"]

Veino poked around in the exposed guts of the ship before nodding. "Ayep. A week, if you're lucky. Longer maybe if not. If the whole thing is this neglected, you're lucky it didn't explode on you." He wiped his hands on a rag and shook his head. "Shameful for a ship's captain to let it get so bad. Puts the whole crew at risk." Another shrug. "Oh well, I suppose."

He grinned as the man spoke and then shook his head. "Don't worry, pal. Being a wanderer's not the same as an outlaw. Lived over half of my life moving around ship to ship and world to world. It's a good life if you can make it work. Any thought where you're headed once this junker's up and flying again?"

[member="Kyle Farnes"]
Potentas grimaced in agreement as Veino made his own examination of the ship. Potentas sighed.

“Yeah well you depend on luck on Life on the Rim sooner or later you’re gonna wind up on the drift out in the black, or having a crashed landing, or at the very least an interesting one”

Potentas shook his head in exasperation. What should have been an easy fix, if well maintained was now a very costly and grounding repair problem. Potentas glanced back up at Veino

“No where special. Not sure I’ll stick around here long enough if it’s a week in port” Potentas acknowledged.

As far as Potentas was concerned, he’d covered his duty to this particular ship and it’s so called captain. The fact that they were still alive was testament enough of that.

“Why? Do you have somewhere in mind?”

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Kyle Farnes"]

A wry smile twisted its way across Veino's face. "Even without relying on luck, still can end up like that incredibly easily. Just the way of life on the RIm. Had my fair share of getting stranded on interesting planets. Makes quite a story afterwards." He paused. "If you make it, of course."

He shrugged and took a seat on a nearby hoversled, crossing his arms. Shook his head. "Not particiularly. But you seem resourceful enough that I might know some people if you're looking for more steady work. Or even looking to do some homesteading on a backwater world."
“Yeah well, if there’s one thing I’ve learn about Life on the Rim is that the Wheel never stops turning” Potentas let out a sigh “Of course that only matters to the people on the Rim”

Potentas looked around for a source of water to wash the grease and oil stains off of him. Of course on some planets a good supply of water was worth more than fuel. Fortunately this didn’t seem to be one of them. Potentas went over to a stall that an Ugnaught was tending.

“Ten bits for a capsule of water!” Potentas said in outrage, he realised it was a sellers market and Ugnaughts tended to have a monopoly in space ports, but that was just outrageous. Most capsules could be bought for anything between 2 and 6, the latter being considered expensive as is.

The Ugnaught started squeling at him, Potentas was growing irritated, he was tempted to use the force to fling the Ugnaught off of the platform.

“I’ll give you seven”

Potentas grumbled and started rubbing his hands.

"So speaking of backwaters, what brings you two to this one?"

[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Kyle Farnes"]

Kyle Farnes

Very much the exile of the Mandalorians, the Foundling did not always keep to the traditions, but here, he was on the Outer Rim, it was different out here. And he was a Warden as much as a Mandalorian. But watching the Jensaarai and the mechanic? It was interesting. Helping with some repairs was definitely part and parcel for the Warden gig. Watching the pair, and listening though, he was nodding. Interesting here.

“Rim is definitely a special place, we don’t always have the best supplies out here.” He laughed at the man and the Ugnaught. “Fuel, water, foodstuffs are what we need out here. But a gun and a ship? That’ll keep you in with all of those, if you’re willing to help others, well, they’ll pay. Or provide what you need.” The man smiled and nodded.

“Traveling, refueling and rearming. Life of a mercenary and a peacekeeper out here has you going around the Rim. You find out you’ll call a lot of places home.” Or at least temporary rest. The gunslinger grinned. “You get used to it.”

[member="Veino Garn"]
Veino shrugged, wiping his hands on a rag that he stashed in his coat pocket. "Everything keeps turning out here. Faster and slower than the Core tends to realize." He stuffed the cloth deeper in his pocket and ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep it further out of his face. "And yeah, best to get used to always being a bit dirty. Especially spending time in hyperspace."

He nodded as [member="Kyle Farnes"] spoke to @Potentas. "Much the same. I live out here on the Rim, moving from place to place. My work requires me to travel a fair bit along the hyperlanes."

Perhaps an understatement. He didn't need to do that, as Saara-Kaar and ORION Prime, leading a secretive Force-sensitive order and an Outer Rim spynet, but it was better if he did. The Rim was large and their resources weren't vast. Every field-qualified agent was needed to always be sniffing the ground for information.

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