Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Life sucks.

It really does. Here lately it seems as though it wants to take away all my hobbies away from me, and unfortunately that extends to this forum.

I'm especially sorry to those that i have threads with. I know that I'm leaving you high and dry and that really sucks. But, life isn't giving me much of a choice at the moment.

I just wanted to inform those that I thread with that I do plan to come back and when I do, I hope you'll be willing to continue our threads.

Writers this may effect:
[Member=Astrid Stormguard]
[Member=Einarr Warscream]
[Member=Thurion Heavenshield] : apologies for asking for your help in character development and training and then just dropping you on the dime.
[Member=Boo Chiyo]: sorry for dropping our working together in the Dominion thread.

I was really looking forward to writing with all of you and having Máni experience all kinds of new things. I'll be back when I can though.

So, until then have fun and keep writing!


Came in like a wrecking maul
no we were going to punch things and crack skulls when the others finally post.... sad face

but no worries, take care of what you need to and we'll be here
[member="Máni"] Hey it happens got to take care of Real Life first. We be here when you get back and remember that you are a great person so what ever you have to take care of do it.

We'll be waiting for you.

Just an update for those that care to know;

I'm estimating being back around Friday the 29th. I'm not sure if I will be back that day or not, but I'm hoping for the best.

Here's hoping though!

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