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Approved Melee Weapon Light Lash

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Manufacturer: Mercenary Arms
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Light
Size: Average

  • Made with Light Wire, a near molecular thin energy cord braided with mono wire.
  • Retractable lash.
  • Unpredictable whip movement.
  • Long and deadly lash.
  • Extremely dangerous to the user and those around them.
  • Requires extensive training to use safely and effectively.
The Light Lash made a very quiet entrance into the closed corporate market. Most didn't know of its existence until stories began spreading of criminals cut into pieces, gear and all. At first the underworld assumed it was another deranged Force user on the loose. Perhaps with their own team of bodyguards imitating SecDiv as they sliced their way through stash houses and drug production sites leaving strange arcing cuts and sprays of blood behind. It wasn't until the Cyber-Runner Qwoon Twi To (better know by his street handle T-T) posted a surveillance probe's stake-out trid that that the truth was known. Corporate Security teams were using the Light Lash to cut their way through weak points and opposition alike, using the weapon to spread fear through undesirable criminal elements while suppressing public knowledge of the weapon.

Intended for the more sadistic side of the CSA's Security Division as a statement piece to cause fear and threaten confessions, few examples of the Light Lash have made their way onto the black market with most being imitations by the hidden garage weapons industry of Etti IV. The body of the weapon is comprised of a armored handle wrapped in leather or other materials for a steady grip with controls to unwind or spool up to three meters of Light Wire from the handle. The whip can be used either powered or unpowered though once energized its much more destructive and easier for the user to track visually. The light wire is incredibly light and capable of deceptively graceful and looping movements that look slower than they are, a twitch or twist of the handle can pull or throw the slack on the wire out to the weighted tip in an instant to form a loop or send parts of the length snapping out.

Suerse Leli Suerse Leli took her whip from a dead SecDiv agent she just happened across while on a completely unrelated run. The Lash's were still new at the time and the esoteric weapon proved too tempting for the young woman to pass up. After clearing the weapon of trace tags and modifying the leather grip, it became a signature weapon of her underground "Wrench" persona. Even then it took the Etti many long months of practice and study on the holo net with a practice whip, and a few hair-thin scars, to become proficient in the lash's use.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A whip for Suerse.
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Light Wire

Technical Information

Affiliation: Suerse “Wrench” Leli, Mercenary Arms, Code Zero
Model: Light Lash
Modular: No
Material: Light Wire, Mono-Molecular Shielding, Leather
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