Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Light Me Up (Lurcano v. Keira)

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Lurcano was bent over and his breathing came out hard and ragged. His body ached, and several of his knuckles had been split open. His last attack had likely done him more harm then good. Lurcano straightened and put his hands on the top of his head to open his lungs so he could breath easier. 'She can take a beating, I'll give her that.'

Minutes passed by as the both of them stared at each other. Everything in Lurcanos body was screaming at him to attack, to press his advantage; but he couldn't. Finally, he began to move forward sluggishly his stomach turning and groaning in protest. 'In it for the long haul. Let's finish this chit so I can go die in a gutter somewhere; cause that's how I'm feeling right now.

His final few steps increased in speed, and he threw himself at her once more. His lefts and rights were swung with complete reckless abandon, and if he'd fought like that in the beginning of the fight; she surely would have made short work of him. He was to tired to care though. Like a drunk brawler in the middle of the street, he'd lost all inhibitions. His only hope was that she was as tired as he was and wouldn't be able to do the necessary things to avoid his flurry of lefts and rights.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
There weren't many things Keira could say she had to her advantage in this fight, and in fact, anyone else might not have seen them. But there was one divide that separated them, and it was no longer only his weight and strength. It was simpler than that, but harder to see unless one had been paying attention for the entirety of the fight. The thing was, he had a broken rib where she didn't. That inhibited his movements and constrained the rate at which he was able to take in breath, which was a difficulty that she was currently facing as well. The risk she didn't have was the possibility of bone puncturing a lung, an effect that he didn't seem to be showing.

One thing she noticed just before he lunged at her was that she was still nearly against the arena wall, something that wasn't entirely disadvantageous. Her ethereal senses told her what her physically grounded senses missed, and it was only through that one trump card she couldn't rid herself of that she was able to raise her hands in an attempt to redirect one of his punches, shifting his body around hers and using the momentum behind his swings to throw him into the wall that she had previously been backed up against.

There was no telling whether that attack would be ultimately successful, and she took a few rather unsteady steps backwards, her hands remaining this time at her sides as she stood there, a faint grimace flashing across her face. For the final time she took stock of any and all injuries, working from the feet up. There were bruises on her shins for obvious reasons, but no fractured bones that she could feel. Her back was sore, unsurprisingly so, and likely covered in bruises. There was a bone cracked in her face, that much was evident without her having to probe the area, and finally, the knuckles of her right hand were split. She would be feeling this later, without a doubt.

"Done yet?"

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Lurcano Car'dann: Lurcnao grunted as he was redirected into the wall. He halted his progress with his hands, but he doubled over in pain, and then immediately straightened as his broken rib shouted out in protest. Lurcano let out a forced chuckle, and ran a hand through his hair before looking at Keira and saying; "I think we're both done at this point. You cracked and probably broke one of my ribs, and I don't think you've got enough gas left over to finish me off. What say we call this a draw and agree to never see each other again?"

[member="Keira Ticon"]
A crooked smile and a shake of her head was her only retort for a moment. At the end of the fight it seemed he wasn't quite as self-assured as he'd walked in, which had been part of her intention. The other half had been to simply let off some steam, which had also been successfully done. The smallest facet had certainly been her want to win, and that hadn't quite been satisfied. But a draw was better than an outright, blatant loss, and she would take what she could get given the odds that had been overwhelmingly stacked against her. "Never again, really? I thought you liked me a bit more than that. Try not to miss me too much."

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Keira Ticon: "Never again, really? I thought you liked me a bit more than that. Try not to miss me too much."

Lurcano Car'dann: Lurcano allowed for a smile to form on his lips before saying, "Oh don't worry about it baby. I do charity work all the time. If you ever need a kark you can call me. Probably won't be the most disgusting thing I've done or will do in the future. It'll be close though, but hey that's just me. All give and no take."

And with that Lurcano slowly ducked underneath the railing, gritting his teeth. He shambled off to the med bay still chuckling at his joke. Glad that he had managed to get the last word in.

[member="Keira Ticon"]

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