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Approved Tech Light Wire

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Manufacturer: Mercenary Arms
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average

  • Duo-molecular cutting edge.
  • Energized cutting wire.
  • Strong cutting cord.
  • Incredibly dangerous to handle.
  • Molecularly bonded materials.
  • Reduced cutting strength when unpowered.
  • Glows when powered.
An evolution loosely based on the electro-whip and existing monofilament-wires, Mercenary Arms began producing light wire for use in 'manufacturing industries' where precision cutting along non-linier edges was needed. Given the nature of the company and their position on Etti IV and the market in general, plans were drawn up for military and consumer applications before production even began.

The wire itself is a simple braid of two mono-wires made of molecularly shielded material for strength interwoven with an energy cord that adds a characteristic glow to the wire when activated. The extended end is joined together with a small weight to add momentum and swing to attacks, useful for overcoming air resistance. As it's braided, the wire gains a great deal of tensile strength but looses its effortless cutting potential while becoming visible to unassisted eye similarly to a thin strand of spider webbing. With the reduced cutting power the wire can more easily be wound on a spindle or handled with safety gear as even a slight tug is enough to pull it through flesh and armor with sturdy pressure. When the energy cord is activated however, the light wire becomes much more dangerous, easily slicing through metals and plastoids similar to the mono-filament it's derived from.

Certain crystalline lattices have proven to be extremely resistant to the light wire as well as mono-molecular shielding and other metals with tight molecular bonds naturally resistant to plasma weaponry. Surfaces expected to be on contact with the wire are often plated with such to provide protection to the user and durability so that machines or weapons using them don't cut themselves up through regular use. An equal and opposite charge to that of an active energy cord will repulse it as if by similar magnetic poles though less energetically, simply holding the wire away.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A melee weapon component
Canon Link: Monomolecular energy cord, Monofilament wire
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Mercenary Arms, Closed-Market, Code-Zero
Model: Light Wire
Modular: Yes
Material: Mono-molecular shielding, Monomolecular energy cord, Monofilament wire
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