Long for the Warmaster stepping at its head, stepping through the Tomb with huge strides which seemed to make the stone crack beneath his armored boots. It had been plundered indeed, centuries of greed from archeologists, Sith artifact hunters and Rakata enthusiasts have left this place an empty tomb indeed. But feeling had settled into his guts that there is something, deep and buried and he would take this place apart to find it.
Painful for the company the Warmaster brought, dozens of slaves for possible sacrifice, Qorkissai to empower any possible ritual and feed upon plus some guards of the Marskha to keep everyone in place. Their whips pushed both the priests and slaves forward, sometimes into traps the Warmaster left behind, avoiding them. Did he avoid them or leave them there on purpose to torment those behind? It was anyones guess.
It was when they were deep into the vault when Nyash suddenly stopped his merciless advance. He stood and looked straight at a wall, a wall which was like any other in the Tomb so far, made of stone and absolutely identical to the hundred meters next to it. With two large steps he approached it and put his armored gauntlet on the wall, the fingers spread he stood there motionless for a moment before he would walk back again.
The Claimant of Fell would extend his arm again, the palm turned slightly upwards and the air started to crack. In shock some of the slaves tried to run as the stone wall started to glow in heat and moments later it would start to melt. The molten rock dripping down on the floor and spreading like the lava from a miniature vulcano. Once the stone was out of the way, a pitch-dark tunnel could be seen.
With a stare on it, the statue of a warrior remained where he was, only his head turned towards the Marskha who immediatly drove forward a group of slaves who were to enter the tunnel first. The horrors they would find their unspeakable. As the screams died down roughly three minutes later, the procession would continue, moving through the remnants of blood, bones and meat of the slaves which were sent in a moment earlier. One had actually reached the end of it, or rather, his hand had, touching the stone door to the hidden vault.
Lighting a flame from his hand, the Warmaster approached the door and looked at its carvings and ornaments, curious to find what may lay ahead.
Nupax nurin