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LFG Lightsaber Construction

Hey there!

This is a fairly specific request, but I'm in the process of designing Valery some new lightsabers. If anybody has an artisan or character who could build a lightsaber, I'd love to do a thread or set something up where your character makes her new weapons!

If interested, gimme a poke below.
the art of light
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Aji is an aspiring Jedi Artisan from Hapes; he's new to the order, having offered his assistance in the redecorating of the Temple as a way to make his full transition to Jedi life easier, and he's a cousin to Briana (his mother and her mother were half-sisters). Most of his artistic expertise is in other mediums so far, so I would love to have him involved in a build thread for learning purposes.

He's never built a lightsaber before, but I think this would be a great place for him to observe the process, and start to get inspired.

And it would be good for him to meet his cousin's former Master!
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Aji is an aspiring Jedi Artisan from Hapes; he's new to the order, having offered his assistance in the redecorating of the Temple as a way to make his full transition to Jedi life easier, and he's a cousin to Briana (his mother and her mother were half-sisters). Most of his artistic expertise is in other mediums so far, so I would love to have him involved in a build thread for learning purposes.

He's never built a lightsaber before, but I think this would be a great place for him to observe the process, and start to get inspired.

And it would be good for him to meet his cousin's former Master!
Can def bring him along for either the lightsaber or the double-bladed one :D
Alrighty! I got some ideas!

Ran Serys Ran Serys We have Valery and Ran find the materials on some cool planet and do a little story? Can look at some design ideas IC too. OOC, I've got a commission going for a 3D model of her new lightsabers, but it's fun to have come up with the design IC too.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Wanna help me build a lightsaber? I do have a design already that's being modeled, as I mentioned above, so it's more to just do some RP around its construction.

Ajinar Djo Ajinar Djo You could watch the building process, but could also do a separate thread for him and Val meeting that leads up to him joining the construction if you want!

Kaweh Hujaan Kaweh Hujaan I don't believe we've written together before, so I'd be down to do a thread. Maybe he could help her build her double-bladed weapon and score his brownie points? :p

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