Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris
Color: Translucent Black
The Black Rainbow crystal, sometimes referred to as the Moon crystal or 12 Black Rainbows {due to the swirling rainbow inside the crystal when viewed through moonlight}, was in the beginning a basic crystal growing on the planet of Nam Chorios. When the first settlers arrived to the planet around 725 bby, they discovered the crystals grew only in one cave; but where in great abundance. Due to the location of the planet in regards to the main activity of the galaxy, the crystals where used as a means of currency, when credits were not available.
Around the time of 313 bby, a Dark Jedi named Crysis Fausto crashed landed on the planet. Seeking refuge among the settlements of the planet, he stumbled upon the crystals; knowing they where crystals that could be utilized in lightsabers. However, he didn't know the effects, good and ill, it contained until he attuned one to himself; eventually attaching one to his hilt. Over time, his health began to decline and during one of his personal logs, he mentioned destroying the cave to prevent the abominations of ever reaching the main hub of the galaxy.
Unfortunately for Crysis, he met his demise at the hands of a roving band of marauders, his personal log and other belongings either looted or destroyed. Over the course of time, the crystals began to filter into the Mid-Rim and Outer-Rim worlds; usually fabricated into jewelry or other fancy trinkets.
- Intent: Create a lightsaber crystal
- Image Source: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Name: Black Rainbow Crystal
- Manufacturer: Crystal Cave on Nam Chorios
- Affiliation: Darkside Paractioners
- Homeworld (optional): Nam Chorios
Production: Semi-Unique
- Modularity: No
- Material: Black Diamond
- Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
- Weight: Very Light
- Resistances:
Blasters: None
Kinetic: None
Lightsabers: None
Other: None
Color: Translucent Black
- Invisible Blade: When installed into a lightsaber hilt, the blade that comes forth harbors an invisible-like trait. Much like how force cloak works, it too bends light and sound waves around it. However, to a trained eye the blade can be tracked, as the blade would appear to be translucent and abstract. To the wielder of the blade, the blade can be seen clearly.
- Invisible Blade: See Special Features
- Thin Blade: The blade itself is thin, allowing for faster, precision like strikes.
- Declining Health: The crystal, when attuned to an individual, causes the individual to suffer a decline in health. It could range from degrading organ functionality, to skin disorders, to mental disorders, or medical conditions like blindness, loss of hearing, and asthma. The rate of health decline is associated by two factors. The first, the current health condition of the individual. Healthier individuals will suffer the effects over a period of time {lifetime}, where as those less healthy will feel the effects immediately. Also, age plays a part in it. As people grow older naturally, their body already undergoes a physical transformation, so in other words, a young individual will feel the effects over a period of time {lifetime} where as older individuals will notice the effects immediately. Only in rare cases does death occur.
The Black Rainbow crystal, sometimes referred to as the Moon crystal or 12 Black Rainbows {due to the swirling rainbow inside the crystal when viewed through moonlight}, was in the beginning a basic crystal growing on the planet of Nam Chorios. When the first settlers arrived to the planet around 725 bby, they discovered the crystals grew only in one cave; but where in great abundance. Due to the location of the planet in regards to the main activity of the galaxy, the crystals where used as a means of currency, when credits were not available.
Around the time of 313 bby, a Dark Jedi named Crysis Fausto crashed landed on the planet. Seeking refuge among the settlements of the planet, he stumbled upon the crystals; knowing they where crystals that could be utilized in lightsabers. However, he didn't know the effects, good and ill, it contained until he attuned one to himself; eventually attaching one to his hilt. Over time, his health began to decline and during one of his personal logs, he mentioned destroying the cave to prevent the abominations of ever reaching the main hub of the galaxy.
Unfortunately for Crysis, he met his demise at the hands of a roving band of marauders, his personal log and other belongings either looted or destroyed. Over the course of time, the crystals began to filter into the Mid-Rim and Outer-Rim worlds; usually fabricated into jewelry or other fancy trinkets.