Just making some suggestions, you can always make some whole new crystal for your lightsaber. The two simple ways to go about this are to either:
A ) Find some other manner of artifact to fit in the saber
within the bounds of reason and submit that. (Just to give you an idea of how dynamic this is, krayt dragon pearls and rainbow gems aren't even crystals, and lamberts aren't even Force-sensitive!)
B ) Make up a crystal set of your own for your saber, which is something that has been done at least a few times on this board to good effect, usually by Sith Alchemy/Art of the Small/Meditation, develop and submit that.
It should be noted these usually don't have any major effect on the blade itself though. A lightsaber is already extremely powerful as it is, and so enhancing the blade any further tends to start to reach into the bounds of overpowering. This is why the crystals were watered down on Chaos to begin with.
And, as always, "better" is subjective! Everyone's lightsaber, canon or Chaos, is niche to their style.