Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Like a Pack of Rabid Animals

Location: Unknown
Tags: Caden Evesa Caden Evesa | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Equipment: Lightsaber | Sith Robes


The Sith Knight had been watching from a distance, allowing himself to recieve regular reports from Korriban of the progress of the students currently enrolled in the Academy. He wasn't overly considering taking an apprentice, having only been Knighted recently himself. He was however keeping tabs on a few more impressive students.

Those who may serve to be useful to him earned his attention. Those were the ones he'd recieved a special report on, the ones who he paid the closest attention to. They could serve as assassins, or bodyguards. They could serve to recieve the legacy of Malum and Ophidia. They would all have their uses.

They'd been watched, but never challenged.

Until now.

See Zachariah had a secret, one he hadn't shared. He had a Jedi, one who'd come to Woostri after the battle had passed. He'd returned to the planet to meet with Darth Fury Darth Fury and Reicher Vax Reicher Vax and it was then he'd stumbled upon the Jedi. The battle had been intense, but Zachariah had defeated his foe.

The Jedi had sat, imprisoned by the Sith Knight for a while whilst Zachariah ponded on what to do with the man. He'd forced information from the Jedi in the mean time, learnt his name and his background. Caden Evesa Caden Evesa , former Silver Jedi and now loner had been captured by the Grandchild of Empyrean.

A Jedi whom had one final use.

He'd been beaten senseless and knocked unconcious, before Zachariah had commissioned two droids to transport the Jedi across the galaxy to Kainite space. The Jedi had been abandoned upon the ancient Sith World of Korriban with his lightsaber at his hip and a message had been sent to those Academy students whom Latens viewed as having potential.

The message had been passed into their minds, skills he was learning all of the time coming in useful. The message was simple. The message was clear.

"Go and find him"



Simple Desert Sand Colored Robes,
Belt of Strength, Field Com-Scan Link,
Well Worn Boots,
Weal & Woe,
Model 6 modular backpack w/ provisions & field med-kit.

Custom Moon Blue
Zephyr Skyhopper

Tags: Caden Evesa Caden Evesa & Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

He'd received the psychic summons and jumped immediately into action. Naami had regularly been tested by Kor'ethyr staff under a number of odd circumstance; called to spar at odd hours of the day or night by Darth Thaliax (the academy's Sith battle-master), expected to keep up with course work between going to war on behalf of the Order, and once even being woken in the middle of the night then given a ghostly saber to fight the King of Korriban himself. So, the ever stoic and practical zabrak thought nothing of the unexpected message other than to jump at the opportunity.

He made a plan as he packed hastily, bringing enough rations for an expedition of several days and sending out brief messages to a few peers and relevant professors who's courses he might be missing. To Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl , Leshanna Leshanna and Haro Aven Haro Aven he sent the vague explanation:

I've been given a special assignment.
Not sure how long I'll be gone,
probably no more than a couple days.
Could one of you help Myunnah Myunnah place her
weekly order at Vardin's Best Butcher shop?
Thanks, see you in a few.

The zabrak double checked his gear, then flung the pack over his shoulder and jogged to the student hangar where his ship awaited him. He always kept her feuled up because he had a habit of taking quick joy rides when there was a little free tme between courses. This was the first time Naami was taking the ship out for business though and he was grateful for his habit to keep it ever ready.

There was no tellng if he was the only person to receive the psychic message or if this was an open bounty of sorts. Naami wanted to capitalize on the advantage of speed. The exansive desert surrounding Kor'ethyr was massive afterall, and it wasn't as if he'd been given coordinates. He'd need to stay sharp, centering himself within the Force and honing his senses to a laser focus.

The zabrak leapt into his ship and he was off, the playful call sign "Thumbs" that Myunnuh had chosen for him was painted on the side of the acrobatic little craft. But there was nothing playful about Naamino's demeanor today, nothing whatsoever.

Location: Korriban?
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano

Fear tore through him.

He remembered little. He'd attended Woostri following the battle between the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order. His plan had been to administer aid to those who needed it, get some of the Woostrian's off world and out of the grasp of the Sith.

What he hadn't expected to come across was a Sith Knight. Their battle had been quick and extremely one sided, the well trained Sith Knight against the rusty Jedi Knight. Caden had lost before he'd even truly begun and he was disarmed in just a matter of minutes.

The expectation of death however, that was wrong. Death didn't come. Instead he was bound and escorted off world, beaten and tortured. He lost track of time extremely quickly after that, lost most of his time in between the beatings and the mental attacks to meditation.

It had stopped all of a sudden, the beatings and the torture just ended. He was injected with something, no idea what. The next thing he knew, he was on a dusty desert world with his lightsaber at his hip. It was a world he vaguely recognised, potentially Korriban?

Familar, yet not entirely certain. His mind was still hazy from whatever he'd been injected with. The familar weight of his weapon at his side was at least some relief. His robes and armour were gone though, instead he'd been given a simple tunic and some simple trousers. No boots, interestingly.

Darkness could be sensed, it was surrounding him. He stood out, like a beacon of light in the Force. He moved, towards the first bit of foliage he could see. He needed to hide and think, find a way out of whatever chaos he'd ended up in.

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