Theed was beautiful this time of year, though of couse it was always beatiful. Theed University was a small campus set against the beaitufl brick layout of the city. It was decorated in typical artisain ways to reflect the Naboo culture. These were many of the reasons Katarine loved it here, but the biggest reason was that nobody would bother to look for her here. Ever since the Jedi had asked such a horrid thing of her she'd gone off the grid. The Jedi delcared her missing from the order and since she'd spent most of her time under cover nobody knew who to look for even if they botehred looking.
So Katarine did what most people did when they were switching careers, she enrolled in a univeristy and started trying to figure things out. It was her way of hiding from life for just a little while.
She walked into her religions class and took a seat near the back. It was a large lecture class and the professor had not arrived yet.
@[member="Christian Slade"]
So Katarine did what most people did when they were switching careers, she enrolled in a univeristy and started trying to figure things out. It was her way of hiding from life for just a little while.
She walked into her religions class and took a seat near the back. It was a large lecture class and the professor had not arrived yet.
@[member="Christian Slade"]