Continued from The Dark Matter
The hull of Vereshin's ship soared through orbit above Dathomir. He portended at his desk, feet apart and a cigarette balanced between his fingers. In one hand he held the completed locket he had imbued for his grieving lover. The loss of their child subsided quickly for him, while he knew the despair still affected Cylaeria. Vereshin made a habit of never dwelling on the past and could not fathom why she refused to move on, something he remained quiet about while trying to respect her feelings.Breathing deeply, he inhaled on his cigarette before discarding the end in an ashtray. He smoothed down the front of his coat and stood upright, concealed the necklace in his pocket and exited. Striding by Pom's private chambers, he knocked on the door twice to receive her, the sorrow of the previous night still written upon her features. He wondered intently over whether he had been too cold to her and held his breath again before releasing. As she let him in, he strode by the window and rested his fingers upon the glass.
"My darling, for the way I spoke to you yesterday, I am sorry." Vereshin admitted following a long pause between them, having not intended to disrespect her in any way the previous day. "That is not an easy thing for me to admit." He allowed to her to sense his Force signature unhindered and communicated the remorse he felt, an emotion alien to him. The effect she had on him was nothing short of miraculous. As he spoke, he shook his head slightly to emphasize the point.
"Emotion is difficult for me to comprehend and you make me feel more emotion than anybody else I have encountered." He continued as he turned around to face her. "The power you hold over me is indomitable." Taking a deep breath again, he coiled a fist, which he softly planted against the window as he tried to collect his thoughts. "You are all that is preventing me from losing myself to darkness completely. To keep my own mind, I need you." His eyes darted from one side of the wall to the next as he struggled to completely look in Pom's own.
"... But I do not want to have children at this point in time. I cannot make any promises as to when that may change." Vereshin spoke sternly before pausing."Cylaeria, I have dedicated my entire life to sorcery. I do not know of family. The love I feel for you is the only love I have ever known." He detailed his inexperience and obsession with his work. Leaving the window, he approached Pom and held her hands in his own. A pause held the air between them as he prepared to speak again.
"You must understand. If we ever have a child, we must wait, for the sake of the child, until a time comes during which we may adequately raise them. As of now, I am not strong enough to protect a family and possess no assets in which they may be comfortable." He released his breath and sighed, satisfied with releasing his thoughts from his chest. Vershin stroked Cylaeria's fingers, his hands trembling while he held them. "I have apprentices to train let alone." He stated with an expression of emphasis, noting that he was simply too occupied in life to have a family at the present.
"All I mean to say is that I am not ready." Vereshin' words were sincere. What he had delivered to Pom the following day had been masked by anger when he meant no harm. He would respect the ways of her culture if she respected his choices in life. He remained with the inexperience of a child and not an adult who could properly raise one. They stood as antipodes, oil and water, in sole effort to understand the other.
[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]