Jannik Morlandt
Jedi Temple
The temple was much quieter than he had become accustomed to in recent months, due to a number of the people he had come to know and some he had known in the past when he was but a fresh and frightened padawan being far and away at a celebration of the completed restoration of Ahto City on Manaan - which was a fine thing, a good thing, and he would have loved to see such a joyous thing... but there were other things he had seen, so many things over the years, all scrawled out in the journals he kept, and he had reviewed them often. The frequency of that review had only increased in recent months, a revisiting of each memory, of each time. Of what could come to pass, of what might only be a far-off place down a fork in the road never taken. Each entry could be anything, and the Circle of Seers had dwindled to the point that he might as well have been the only one. At least he could never say that boredom had a grip on him. Indeed......it could be said that the life of a Jedi was never boring, and the life of a seer, less so; in his mind, this was the case. He had been prone to visions and prophecy with a frequency that might be considered alarming from the start and he had gained better control since, in the intervening years. Yet the crushing dark that threatened to snuff out this way of life was ever-present at the fringes of his psyche, due in no small part to the impromptu time he had spent with one of its foremost mistresses - the Sith Oracle, Darth Isolda - and by recent discovery, the closest tie of blood one could possibly have to another person. She was his sister, his twin sister, and his dreams had been getting stranger since that revelation, traversing at times into the land of nightmares. As his visions so frequently did... and perhaps they were just that.
That being said, the details often either made little sense, or set a pit in his stomach while still making no sense at the same time, but they seemed to have a certain pattern, a particular strange feel that set them apart. Still, as he sat with doors wide open in the disused council chambers, not in one of the gathered semi-circle of seats on the dias but on the steps that divided them down the middle, he mused over an apple of which he had taken a few bites, while his mind turned over and over again at the most recent of materials the Force had seen fit to present to his mind, summed to but a few words:
[SIZE=24pt]Water, crimson and endless, choked with faces.[/SIZE]
Red, not unlike the apple in his hand, and it could mean anything. He took another bite, chewed, swallowed, and settled into the Force with a calm exhalation to open himself to the feel and presences of the vast academy of the Jedi, as the sounds of the day-to-day still continued in other sectors of the Temple compound: training in the Force, combat and other subjects; discourse on the matters of philosophy, tactics, and more besides; meals taken, younglings cared for, all manner of people coming and going, and the premises maintained with relative care.
There was no knowing what might happen from one moment to the next.