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Character Lilash "Jade" Covegra

Lilash Covegra - Commonly known as "Jade"

Lilash "Jade" Covegra

FACTION: Darkwire

RANK: Information Broker


AGE: 23

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5" 2'

WEIGHT: 80 lb

EYES: Pinkish Red

HAIR: White

SKIN: Pink


Personal Traits

Racial Traits
+Keen senses (Sight, Smell, Hearing)
+Able to digest really any form of Organic matter
+Photographic Memory
+Able to disjoint themselves into areas a fifth of their size

Personal Traits
-Superiority Complex

Racial Traits
-Inability to hide emotion
-Unwilling to speak their own name
-Inability to write
-Fear of Heights

There are many significant features that set a Jenet apart from that of other humanoid species. The most obvious being her snout, ears, and whiskers that constantly twitch and move as she analyses and reacts to events or conversation which leaves her generally unable to hide any emotion to those even amateurish at reading features. Being a rodent-like humanoid species, 'Jade' is a bipedal creature though her legs are more akin to that of a rat than that of a human with significantly longer feet and comfortably stands upon the balls of her feet.

Commonly found wearing quite formal attire in a greenish jade colour, hence her nickname due to her having been unable to be introduced by someone who knew her name. There is hardly any time where her clothing would possibly place her in the lower echelons of society. Having been raised believing one should look their best to achieve their best, it would almost be sickening to denigrate herself into more 'casual' attire. Normally postured in an allure of confidence, she seems to walk into a room expecting everyone to pay attention to her presence, despite her stature or rank.


Born upon their homeworld of Garban, Jade was born into the deep subterranean warrens that their society thrived within. On this planet, she was raised by the customs of her people, namely in their comfortability deep underground, their lack of writing need and custom to be introduced by others. Born in a litter of a dozen brothers and sisters, Lilash was raised in one of more notable Dens, and was introduced into a more lavish way of living not that she really knew much about it. Having historically been enslaved numerous times due to their breeding ability, raids by various factions upon the planet was commonplace by both criminals and empires alike.

It was at the age of 12 that a pirate raid took control of their Warren, stealing away thousands of their kind into tiny cages that even they could barely fit in. On this ship they were carried from planet to planet, their species alongside others before dozens of black markets and slowly were sold off to respective buyers. Most were sold into labour, though the young Jenet was far too weak for such things, and with each market her Den grew smaller and smaller. It would be on the planet of Denon that the winds of fate would change for the better. Within a Black Market auction, a significant member of one of the planetary factions was in attendance in order to purchase some slave soldiers to further their interests. As Lilash and people were lined up and sold off, another faction would come to break up the party, throwing the whole room into chaos. Being small and nimble, Lilash would end up dashing through the crowds as bullets flew overhead and many of the other slaves were gunned down in their mass exodus.

Dislocating her joints in order to crawl into a tiny air vent in the corner of this great hall, she slowly made her way through the steel tunnel and out to the other side. As she came out into the darkened streets, she disappeared into the night, forever haunted by the memories of what she had lost. Now a former child of nobility now impoverished, she believed what she had was stolen from her, and was unable to accept the reality that she was faced with. Within the next few days she struggled to survive by ordinary means, and the dangers of the street kept her in the shadows. It would be desperation that lead her to her next move, by which she began to track the movements of a notable small-time gangster within the area.

Having a photographic memory, she was able to track and memorise the movements of the men, their leadership, security, as well as passcodes and locations of interest. Over the next week she gathered this information before then acting on it when she found a small window that lead to the basement of their nightclub, the centre of their illegal operation. Sliding through this small windowslit she slowly made her way through to the halls, waiting for the guard rotations and swiping the keys from where they had been left. She had tracked the leader, knowing he had departed to visit his own penthouse by this point, and snuck her way into his office at the back of the club. Now with unopposed access to the room, she went through the gangsters belongings, stealing away credits, clothes, food, and further information.

It was there she found a jacket of shimmering jade, which she continues to wear to this day. As well, she discovered the locations of various warehouses they used as hideouts, including information regarding raids by Corpo's and other gangers. One such warehouse had been left abandoned by this leader. Silently escaping the small nightclub by way of the back door. Successfully having robbed the criminals she darted down the narrow alleys in order to disappear into the shadows once more in the direction of the abandoned warehouse. While she had been able to memorise ways to evade the gangsters themselves, it seemed to be that a certain group had been watching her as well without her knowledge.

On the dark streets of Denon she would be ambushed by a party that she would soon learn to be members of Darkwire. After a brief discussion and negotiation, she would instead relocate herself to one of their strongholds due to her skillset. As she had informed them that her kind does not introduce themselves, the members were forced to make a name for her which they agreed on "Jade" due to her jacket. Over the next decade she would begin to work her way into the organisation as an up-and-coming spy due to her natural abilities. Discontent with the petty nature of the role, she made contacts through her work and began to build a repoir of an information broker of sorts, dealing in secrets and blackmail to supplant herself within the organisation. Though, her aim does not stop there, for there are man large corporations on the planet whose secrets would open many doors for her, and so she begins to get to work. Now followed around by a personal servant who introduces the broker by her nickname, for really only the enslaved Jenets as well as those on her planet would know her true name.


Blaster Pistol, Secure Commlink (to agents)



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