Liliette Viesel
Wait for it.
NAME: Liliette ‘Liet’ Viesel![bd126eeb75dbd57cad1677239eb8b9e1.jpg](
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Near-Human, probable Sephi heritage
AGE: 17
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’8”
WEIGHT: 146 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Caucasian, fair
LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic (Fluent)
Written Deliverance: In a world that seldom makes sense, Viesel has become headstrong in the endeavor to make it. Reason, or at least the illusion of it, as her ally the youth takes ‘no’ as a suggestion rather than answer. As one not exactly exuding strength in physicality, a strength in spoken word had to be developed. Though quiet in nature, catching Liet on a good day or a trying moment would pray introduction to a being that bends words and the empathy they breed to her will.
Eye of a Hurricane: If it’s for the greater good, there is little Liet’s unwilling to do, no matter how morally questionable the act may seem. The drive to do right by others is one that has kept her swimming when others would surely sink.
Silence is Golden: Already a soft spoken individual, Liet comes and goes within a crowd, relatively unnoticed. She wields stealth as both weapon and shield.
Physically Unimposing: The majority of Liet’s actions in confrontation are those of a supporting role. Forced into head-on combat and defense is her best option.
That Should’ve Been Me: It was by luck, perhaps fate, that Liet didn’t die with her family. The fact that she of all people survived, against odds that would imply otherwise, is one that haunts her every now and then. With it, also comes the need to prevent such a fate to hit anyone, and the mental backlash of not being able to save everyone becomes all the more potent.
Fair skinned and haired, Liet’s person is one that could easily be mistaken for one of a much higher class if one only puts in a little effort. The ears that come to a point are the tell-tale of lower birth, the tattoos mark her as a former thief and a bit of a deserter. Still, Liet’s being inspires both serenity and relentlessness, all packed into one.
Sands of time, take me back...The world seemed to burn
Many of Liet’s earliest memories are fractured, perpetually in motion between a pretty picture of family and security and the gruesome image of destruction. A childhood home in ruin, years of memories poof, and an overall horrible experience for those who’d remember. Such things do happen when communities don’t pay the proper protection money to the right people. For those who don’t remember, waking up in an unfamiliar setting with a pounding headache and only flashes of what possibly went down, it’s a lot to take in. Liliette was one of the lucky few, young enough and weird enough to avoid her plot going a much darker route. Managing indentured servitude over slavery, her early years built up a semi-stable home to house fragmented memories and a tendency to move objects without actually touching them. Pretty normal, right?
If I believed in wishes
As both Liet and her unexplained talents grew, so did the attention they garnered. Some would consider her little gifts unnatural, some downright witchcraft. Still, others would find such talents to be an asset to capitalize on. And capitalize, they did. Still young, still lacking in the memory department, Liet was one easy to manipulate into taking part in small jobs for extra credits. Jobs that weren’t quite on the legal side. Actually, no, no they were not but sometimes, compliance was just a safe route to go. Besides, no one was getting hurt and the extra cash was certainly welcome.
Link by link
Mark after mark, year after year, Liet inadvertently acclimated to a life of crime, ranging from petty thievery to much bigger bounties. From the start, she had every intention to go along with her employer’s whims just long enough to get the funds to leave on her own terms, however, she couldn’t resist helping out those less fortunate. And thus, what would’ve been a five-year agreement progressed into ten. It was worth it, she told herself, for her to suffer in the place of others. For her own morality to be sacrificed for the greater good. Needless to say, she never saw how warped her mentality grew to be.
If there’s a reason I’m still alive when so many have died,
I’m willing to wait for it.
I’m willing to wait for it.
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