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Approved NPC Lillian Kennedy

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Wandering Naval Officer

  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: Non Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Looking somewhat young for her age, Lillian has tanned skin from living on Yalara. Standing at 5'5, she can still command a room with her voice. Though she hides her eyes most of the time with sunglasses, they are a stunning brown color. He physique is very womanly, she takes pride in her looks, and makes sure to keep herself in shape. She also has a flawless complexion, no scars, blemishes, and makes her the envy of every woman in the First Order Navy.
  • Name: Commander Lillian Kennedy
  • Loyalties: First Order
  • Wealth: Standard for First Order Naval Commander
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills: Trained for Naval command of a warship
  • Personality: She makes herself known by her commanding voice. She tends to be very aggressive, and straight forward. She pushes everyone under her command to be the best of the best. Always trying to impress Aran, jockying for the promotion from him so she can take over the Accuser one day. This make her very ambitious, though sometimes very cocky.
  • Weapon of Choice: Fists
  • Combat Function: She will try to avoid combat in a personal sense at all cost, she only fights in ship to ship combat.
Born on Yalara, Lillian grew up with a poor family. Though members of the First Order, they were still not that well off, trying to be moister farmers. When she was 15 she was saved from a beast by a member of the Planetary Defense Forces, this made her want to do her part as payback for the event. From then on she trained herself in the ways of hand to hand, though no expert in it, she can still be pretty good at it. After finishing schooling she went off to the Naval Academy, where she was trained by Senior Chief Jen Rennic. SCPO Rennic didn't like her and did everything she could to get Lillian to wash out, but Lillian was determined to pass, and did. At her graduation SCPO Rennic just nodded no words were exchanged, it was like the SCPO knew that she wasn't pushing herself and wanted her to be better than she was. From there she served as junior officers on many ships, nothing to out of the norm. Once her promotion to commander however came her first command, that being selected to command the FIV Subjugator a Victory-X class Cruiser.
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