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Limits of Speed and Manoeuvrability

Ronan Nakasla

Something that's been on my mind for asking's sake, is if a ship can be on an in-between grade with Speed and Manoeuvrability. Similarly to how we have Class 1.75 Hyperdrives and the like, is it possible to achieve faster-than-interceptor speed/handling without delving into the insanity of a 0 rating?

I don't plan on putting this idea to use. It's too weird and borderline snowflakey for me to want to actually do (I'm after a rating of 1 after I dev up my ship a bit more), but I can't stop wondering about it so I threw it out here into the wind for FJs or Spencer to answer.

Thanks for your time, folks!
[member="Jules Crux"]

There are some craft that do run faster than Speed 1 on the present scale of things, but they are exceptionally rare and typically require fairly substantial development ( I think 50+ posts is the target number, but I could be wrong ). The more of the craft there are, as in the higher up the production scale you go, the harder and harder it is to pull off such a feat.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Jules Crux"]
For Speed I follow the following scale when I ask for development.

I would ask for 30 posts for .5 speed 20 for .6 and 10 for .75

for maneuvering I would usually not let much pass that was under 1 If a person was insistant then I would ask for a bit more for maneuvering than what speed costs. It is easier to make a ship go in one direction than to make it turn. so

I would ask for 50 posts for .5 maneuvering, 30 for .6 and 15 for .75

Now there are a couple with lower speed. Like .3 and .25 even but those had considerable development behind them. Bottom line is, if you want to do the work just about anything within reason is possible.

This also is assuming this is a craft in the fighter to freighter scale. anything over 50 meters would be a no go for under 1.
We used to be on a 10 point speed system where every class had its own speed and then classing them as assault or support would either move them up or down one on that chart but people would occasionally make a ship that was say, faster than other fighters but not interceptor fast making it a 1.5 instead of 2. Then we went to a 20 point speed system to help with this and the guidelines got even blurrier though I don't see the need for x.5 speed anymore. Hope that answers your question.
[member="Jules Crux"]

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