Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Limos Secura

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
NAME: Limos Secura
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale purplish


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

- Mentally Unstable: Limos is in some ways incredibly unstable and suffers from vast mood swings that effect his judgement.
- Bloodthirsy: Limos is a murderer and loves it, but only if the victim was another criminal
- Sadist: He takes delight in the pain he causes others.
- Over emotional: He has a tendency to become to passionate about the things he cares about.
+ Long Lived: Thanks to being a Selphi he has a long life.
+ Pain Tolerance: Limos' pain tolerance is extremely high due to the lifestyle he lives.
+Skilled Torturer: He is skilled in causing others pain and making them suffer.

Limos is like others of his kind with the pale purplish skin, though he has a tattoo on his forehead and lets his hair grow out to a length that rivals a females. His body however is covered in scars from his frequent fights with other prisoners and guards. His body is slim but still muscular from his time spent working out, and fighting in prison.


At one point life was perfect. I got to go to school make friends and was loved by many. I had the best mother any son could ask for and she would give up everything she had for me. This was the life everybody deserved. Though one day when I was fifteen I came home to find my mother being beaten by one of her clients. Blood and purple bruises covered her body as the man hovered over her with a twisted look sitting on his face as though he enjoyed causing my mother pain. Then slowly he turned to me a empty look in his eyes, he had felt no guilt for what he had done. Then he slowly started to make his way towards me. The vibroblade in his hand slick with blood. "Don't hurt him. He wasn't part of the deal." I heard my mothers weak voice say as the man neared me.

"Lets turn you into a real man." He said as he pounced at me and pinned me to the ground as he punched and kicked me. Pain radiated throughout my body, but that was only minor. The true pain came as the blade he held sunk deep within my skin causing me to scream as loud as a baby for his mom. I screamed till my throat was raw and I couldn't anymore. His blade carved upon me like artwork causing scars to cover my body. The feeling of warm blood flowed all over me. It felt as though the man had been torturing me for days, but I knew it had only been minutes, and when he finally widthdrew I saw the look upon his face. My pain had pleased him, it had filled his hunger, but I had one of my own. I wanted to kill this man, but now was not the time. He left my house without another word, but soon after me and my mother were rescued by some local authorities that took us to the nearby hospital. Where they began my treatment, my only thoughts were of vengence. A hot feeling burned my chest as I thought of the man, I wanted his blood, and I would do anything to get it.

Yet he came to me, during my rest the man awoke me with a slap to the face. "Ready for some more fun?" He asked as he drew his blade, but this time I was prepared. No fear flowed through me, only red hot rage. Reaching out I grabbed the nearest item and hit the man with it. He fell to the ground a shocked look on his face. I attacked, leaping onto the man like a neku I began my assult. My fist pummeled into the mans face and I felt his blood splatter my cheek. Fear now filled his eyes, he understood my pain, but he didn't deserve it. He deserved more. Reaching down I grabbed his blade and began to stab him with it. His screams echoed off the walls which was soon followed by laughs. "Good Job son. You are now a man." He said before his body gave one last shudder and the life fled his body.

His screams had summoned many to my room where I was arrested, and taken away. My mother had died that night so she couldn't help me as I was loaded up and shipped to Belsavis prison where the worst of the worst were held, and you know what? I couldn't wait, they would all soon learn the error of their ways. I spent seven years in that hell, and within that time I had lowered the amount of criminals that lived there by three hundred. I still live in this hole secluded from everyone else, but my time will come again.




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