Lina Renning
close your eyes, the sun is going down
Name: Lina Renning
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: Tall
Build: Slender
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Blue
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Apprentice
Alignment: Light

Evasive - Lina knows that she will have the disadvantage in physical combat, so she chooses to avoid it. She has a knack for resolving conflict before it can come down to fists and will steer clear of situations with the potential to get messy.
Careful - Lina handles responsibility well. She thinks things through carefully and has developed an ability to plan and strategize capably.
With Great Power - comes great responsibility. Lina operates under the feeling that in order to 'deserve' her ability to use the Force, she must use it for good to its full extent. Because of this, she feels deeply responsible for the wellbeing of others.
When To Fold 'Em - Lina knows that sometimes giving up is the safer option. She lacks the iron will it would take to keep going against all odds.
Swish Swish Stab - Lina eschews use of the lightsaber, insistent that it is too aggressive a weapon. Instead she opts for a vibroblade if she must fight at all.
Feather - in combat, Lina has no advantage in either size or skill. Her only hope when pitted against an enemy is her ability to run in the other direction.
Newbie - Lina is utterly inexperienced with the galaxy at large: she's new to using the Force and especially new to being a Jedi. Naive and moldable still, she has the potential to be easily deceived or led astray.