Linden Rathan

NAME: Linden Rathan
FACTION: The New Order
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Shoulder length, often unruly, dark brown hair. Often worn in a small ponytail when utmost focus is required.
SKIN: Gently tanned, numerous freckles on the face and shoulders.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Cunning: Linden relies on a sharp mind to solve his problems. Often looking for the unconventional solution, he has managed to slip out of several tricky situations.
+ Observant: Able to quickly take in the details of a situation, Linden relies heavily on his visual perceptions of his surroundings.
+ Determined: Linden rarely gives up on a task. Once engaged, he will do anything to see a mission through to completion.
= Cloudy Morals: Often skirting the edge of the Light and Dark, Linden utilizes aspects of both sides of the Force. He is merely trained in several techniques and has never achieved mastery over any Force powers.
= Thrill Seeker: Rather than take the safe, calculate route, Linden will dodge and weave through the nearest obstacles for a cheap thrill.
- Untrustworthy: Likely to stab you in the back, or even your front, if the credits are right. No contract is final as long as there is a better offer.
- Determined: Linden's determination to finish a job is often a stumbling block that thrusts him into near death experiences.
- Memories of his Mother: The loss of his mother is a sensitive subject and will often bring out an uncharacteristic rage, diluting his usually sharp senses.
- Physically weak: Hand to Hand combat does not come naturally as his strength is minimal.
Standing at 6'1" and 150 lbs, Linden is a rather plain individual. Dark brown eyes gaze out from behind a curtain of equally dark hair. Freckles dance haphazardly across his face, lending a childish air to his overall appearance. Linden has minor muscle tone, instead focusing his free time on ways to sharpen his mind over honing his physical presence. He prefers loose fitting clothes, but despises robes. He feels that they add unnecessary fabric that increases the chances of getting tangled during a complicated movement.
Growing up in the slums of the Outer Rim was no easy task for Linden Rathan and his mother. Rathan's mother, Cynthia, did everything she could to help the two have a relatively comfortable existence, but it came at a cost. The young mother delved into all manners of illicit activities to earn just a few more credits: smuggling, dancing for crime lords, selling her worldly possessions. Nothing was off limits. In return, Linden would entertain his mother by showing off his burgeoning force sensitivity. He would make his mother's credit chips float, tease her long braids, or merely clear the dirt off of the floor of whichever hovel they happened to be sleeping in that night. After a loan repayment gone bad, however, Cynthia was forced into an impossible choice. Either give up her son into the service of the crime lord or sell herself into his services. After crying with Linden and bestowing her remaining possessions to him, she went away with the enforcers. Linden was infuriated with the local crime boss and vowed revenge. He fell in with a rival gang and, for years, worked his way up the ranks. He used his limited force powers to boost his speed through the ranks, using underhanded techniques to aid him on missions.
His rise from underling to enforcer was interrupted, however. After returning from a successful mission, filled with an infinite joy at the success, Linden received devastating news. His mother had died giving birth to the Boss' son. Reports of her repeated abuse fueled Linden's rage and, without thinking, he stormed right into the cantina housing his nemesis. He demanded his mother's body to give her a proper burial, but the rival crime boss merely laughed at his request and sicced his goons on the emotionally distraught Linden. Barely escaping the Cantina, Linden left the planet. He knew that he would be relentlessly pursued, so he found refuge in the arms of The New Order, knowing that the small time gangs would never dare attack powerful force users. His Force sensitivity guaranteed his acceptance and his inner hatred fueled his desire to excel.
Dedicated to success, Linden now finds himself beginning the new chapter of his life. Revenge is his ultimate goal, and he will go to any lengths to ensure his mother receives vengeance.