Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lisanne Escher

"For too long I fought without a cause. Now I'm content simply kicking Sith teeth in."

Lisanne Escher


The Corellian Federation

Jedi Padawan





Deep red

Brown, dyed highlights vary



Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

- I'm Not Perfect: Lisanne knows she cannot always do everything on her own. She is not above admitting when she hasn't got what it takes and refuses to let any kind of ego to get in the way of learning new things.

- Get Up Close: Lisanne doesn’t need weapons or the Force to be dangerous. With a proficiency with various forms of martial arts she always has a way of gaining the upper hand in combat.

- Born To Ruffle Feathers: Lisanne and rebellion have always gone together. Even when she fought without a true cause, she was always eager to take up arms against anything that didn't suit her beliefs.

- They Tried, They Failed: Although her eyes reveal the mental agony she had to endure by the hands of the Sith Empire, all it has done is strengthen her resolve by knowing what she truly is fighting against.

- I Can Be Fun: Around friends and allies, Lisanne tends to be lighthearted and, in her own eyes at least, witty.

Lisanne’s story starts with a woman who simply tried to fit in, to be someone. Growing up on Voss she lived a modest but comfortable life, yet it did not leave her satisfied. The woman wanted to make a change on the planet she called home but never got the chance, being rejected to become a Jedi after discovering her Force sensitivity due to her supposed tendency to let her emotions get the better of her. In her view she was being forced to live a life of mediocrity, something that to this day feeds her resentment for the Jedi and their ways.

When the Sith Empire rose and the Order of the Silver Jedi left Voss however, things had begun to change. The League of Voss that was founded from the group who split from the Silver Jedi would take on all who were willing to join the fight against the Empire and Lisanne was one of the first to pick up a blaster. This had been her calling, her chance to finally take life into her own hands. Alongside the League she quickly adapted to the battlefield, gladly going as far as she needed to go to prevent the enemy from occupying any more planets.

Even as their numbers dwindled Lisanne did not lose her will to fight, but despite that doubt still began to rise within her. The question of whether she had chosen to right side had taken a prominent place in her mind as she watched the League crumble. They had taken the fight to an enemy the woman did not even truly know, yet she was all too eager to paint them as nothing but evil maniacs even if she knew nothing about them.

Then, at the final bastion of the League, her luck would finally catch up to her.

As the last of their numbers were being wiped out, Lisanne would not meet the same fate. Instead, upon being captured she was brought to Sith Empire territory and although she has never shown much of a wish to tell that story, she would eventually escape. Whatever the woman had gone through changed her and it did not end with the unnatural red eyes that has had ever since breaking free. Now displaying much more tempered emotions and focus, both created by a clear goal to take the fight to the Sith and all who sought to bring harm onto others.

"Because nobody deserves to go through what I went through."

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