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Liskarr Drek


[SIZE=9pt]Liskarr Drek[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]The One Sith[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]Sith Acolyte[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]Dathomiri, Half-Zabrak[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]16 standard years old.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]1,66 meters.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]43 kilograms[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]Intense Yellow[/SIZE]​



[SIZE=9pt]Liskarr is force sensitive[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Zabraki - Fluent[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Galactic Standard Basic - Fluent[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]+Physical-characteristics:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Liskarr has enhanced physical characteristics. This grants her greater agility, speed, flexibility and overall physical-capabilities. She has an average strength (for her age) and is far more swift and agile than strong although she is not weak either.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]+Resistance, Dexterity:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] She has a lot of energy and it takes a long time to exhaust her, Liskarr can endure pain despite the fact that she still needs more practice.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]+Force-sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Force is strong within her and she is a quick, efficient learner of its techniques. Nevertheless she is more interested in an equilibrated combat than in favoring dueling or the Force.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]-Lacks experience:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Due to her young age and despite showing being quite natural with the Sith teachings, Liskarr is still young and inexperienced in many aspects.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]-Intolerant, Short-patience:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Bothering Liskarr is not the impossible thing to do since there are many things that get on the nerves of the young Dathomiri.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]-Aggressive:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] This does not mean she will instantly attack any enemy she sees but if asked for her opinion Liskarr will always choose aggressive ways of dealing with problems and does not show regret or remorse, ever.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]-Cynical:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] She is cold and rarely understands any other feelings besides anger or fear.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Liskarr looks slightly older than she actually is but still has the body characteristics of a teenage Dathomiri. Although being more physically similar to humans than to Zabraks, Liskarr identifies more with her father’s specie and wishes to tattoo her body when she comes of age. She lacks the vestigial horns typical of the specie.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Although being half-human, and therefore a Dathomiri, Liskarr was not born in Dathomir as many believe. The planet Iridonia birthed her and her human mother died soon after so Liskarr was raised by her Zabrak father. Liskarr had always been an easily angered child who would often get into fights with other Zabrak younglings. She grew in combat and in constant training, due to the customs of Iridonia and even at a young age had become known by her ferocity. She grew up carefully cultivating hatred, anger, jealousy and lust for blood and never the only feeling similar to attachment she could feel was admiration for her father.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Tired of the life in the colony she left at eleven years of age seeking for [/SIZE]independence[SIZE=9pt] and found a homely environment in the streets were not one night passed without a fight. Some years later she came across the Sith. Completely mesmerized by the Dark-side of the force she joined the faction as a Sith Acolyte and embraced the heavy darkness that she had kept within her, learning how to release it in all its deathly glory.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Ever since that day her only objective was becoming a true Sith, being the darkness in its more pure and lethal state. [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt](Hope I can flesh it out some more)[/SIZE]





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