Keepin Corellia Weird
Note, this is tentative questing items list (by no means comprehensive) since the idea seems to have gone over massively well. These are iconic items to the Mandalorians
Here are my ideas... More than enough... Basically think of a famous mando, and an item they might have had which was iconic and could have survived, and why it survived. A lot of these don't have locations or backstories, so if you want it, we'll have to work on making a *quality* bit for each of them. I don't want us just being lazy grabbing trinkets. But i'll be happy to help come up with the ideas!
- Jango Fetts Westar blasters
- Fi Skirata's bevii'ragir
- Boba Fett's blaster rifles (the iconic ESB and/or ROTJ one)
- Wade Tay'haais bronzium spear and bes'bev
- Jaster Mereel's Armor
- Montross' Armor
- Schematics for Slave 1 or Slave 2
- Kal Skirata's three-sided knife
- Bardan Jussik's lightsaber
- Etain's lightsaber and concussion rifle
- The original copy of the Supercommando Codex (not known if it survives, but would be a neat fluff item)
- Mask of Canderous Ordo
- Mythosaur axe of Mandalore the Ultimate
- Armor of Hondo Karr
- Helmet of Tor Viszla (Open Seasons comics Deathwatch)
- Armors/Weapons from Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala
- Verpine rifle of Jaing Skirata
- Any number of relics from the NULL class ARC troopers raised by Kal Skirata
- Walon Vau's Trenchcoat (again, a fluff item)
Here are my ideas... More than enough... Basically think of a famous mando, and an item they might have had which was iconic and could have survived, and why it survived. A lot of these don't have locations or backstories, so if you want it, we'll have to work on making a *quality* bit for each of them. I don't want us just being lazy grabbing trinkets. But i'll be happy to help come up with the ideas!