Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Little garden of horrors. or. Feed me! (ask for invite)

Location: Voss preparing to go to Felucia in the Outer Rim

Serena as a scientist was often requested to come and investigate anomalies. Since the death of her father the requests seem to be coming a bit more regular taking her away from her order of studies and needing her to practice on the go.

Since her last investigation on Velusia had gone so wonderfully well, yes that is sarcasm, this time when a request came she requested someone to go with her. The unfortunate Knight, [member="Anastasia Rade"] .

From the way [member="Nima Tann"] had reacted to Serena she got the impression that there wasn't anyone in the temple that did not know about her empathic skills. She was getting better not hearing as much, the trip to Velusia had convinced her that she needed more control life or death could depend on it.

This time she also left a message for [member="Quenladose"] and for [member="Connor Harrison"] where she was going, what she was doing, who was going with her, and the expected allotted time to complete said task. Permissions had been granted from all governments.

This trip however should be not quite as odd as the last. There had been the establishment of a botanical garden on Felucia. Several of the botanist and gardeners had disappeared, it was assumed they left.

Serena was being asked to come and look at several plant species that had been brought in from other planets.

How hard could that be identify genus and leave. She could do that though not as skilled in this area as others such as her mother but she could do it.

A ship had been assigned and Serena was now waiting quietly with her hands folded before her on her chaperone. She prayed that this trip would go better than the last.
The Mandalorian wasn't surprised when she was called to be a scientist's body guard. She had Force abilities as it was and take those away Ana was still a force to be reckoned with. There was also that thing where she was semi curious when it came to the science field herself.

Over the past few months Ana had been dabbling in the science field looking through old files that she had found plus working on her special project. It was something that she didn't speak about to anyone but Aaden. The young woman didn't know what she expected to find here but hopefully it would help.

Her mother had been a scientist as well and going to the places she had made the young woman feel more in touch with her. It was silly of course as she never knew her mother but it was comforting.

Really this was a win win situation as it would also would be a good way for her to meet other Jedi of the Silver Order as currently she didn't know many.

"Padawan Bouie," she asked as she entered the ship. "I'm Jedi Knight Anastasia Rade. I have been assigned to accompany you on this mission." Ana could have said babysit but that wouldn't have been too nice. "I hear we are going to look at plants. Any specific ones?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]
"Hello, glad you are able to join me on this little trip." Serena made no mention of the sith or the clones, or the troopers or anything that happen quite unexpectedly on her last trip. Serena nodded.

"Yes, it seems the last scientist they had just walked off the job, rather odd considering this seems to be a one of a kind job" Serena started towards the ship, looking over at the Knight Serena was not trying to listen to her emotions, or delve into her thoughts.

But there was something about her something that she wasn't quite sure of yet, "So, um do you want to pilot or shall I?" An easy question to start off this little trip with.

[member="Anastasia Rade"]
"Umm, perhaps they got frustrated when they were unable to find that special tree or plant they were looking for." Ana mused slightly shrugging her shoulders. It didn't matter to her either way. Whatever was going she was going to get to the bottom of it even if that meant just enjoying her time on the planet.

Ana wasn't a very good pilot and was still learning to fly. She wasn't proud of it but she relied on others to get her to where she needed to go while she was still trying to learn. The last thing she wanted to do was crash into a planet or something. "It may be best you pilot. What are we going there to research? Some exotic plant?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]
"it is possible, scientist tend to be tempermental" she smiled at [member="Anastasia Rade"] again. This giving her a heads up on her, or perhaps just poking at the comment Ana had made.

Serena would be piloting, she nodded and headed inside to the cockpit, "There doing some classifications and need to be able to differentiate between the male and female of the species in order to be able to put them in the correct positioning to get more" Plants needed love to. She remembered the Neti she had met [member="Kalizka"] it would be grand to spend more time with him she wasn't a botanist. She still couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet him again should it be possible.

"I wish I knew what happen to the other scientist though it really isn't like someone to just walk off without saying something, anything" Serena sat down and did the preflight checks, then leaned over to the navcomp and plotted the course, then filed it with flight. "Ok buckle up, and let's be off"

Within moments Serena had them off the ground and headed off world.
Ana was not privy to the workings of scientists. She knew that Mandalorians could get frustrated and leave but they were warriors. Warriors and bounty hunters she suspected to be different than scientists. The closest way she became a scientist was through her cooking as she loved to bake. This she considered a science even if it wasn't.

"You don't suppose something happened to them?" Ana questioned as she buckled up. She would have thought scientists to stick to their craft for better or worse. It was certainly how she did baking, trial and error. She didn't like the idea of this not being a relaxing mission but she couldn't rule that out yet.

"Is it normal for scientists to just bail or would them normally say something? I'm guessing it's not normal by how your responding. Who gets up and leaves their life's work without a trace. That is odd. Don't worry though your safe with me."

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]​

Serena looked over to Ana, "No one just leaves an assignment, scientists are competitive and far to logical. For them to just leave would be detrimental to their career and their field of study so yeah I think something happened." Serena wasn't sure yet she had this feeling though that in time she would know she would feel it and she was not lookin forward to it.

Serena did not know the names of the scientists involved she would find out who they were. If any of them were friends of her parents she would be able to question them about behavior and messages. Serene laughed when Ana said she was safe with her looking over, "Good to know I'm safe, my missions have all ended up with having Shadows come save me." Not a fact that she was really proud of but she had to admit she did get into some strange places.

"How do you feel about plants Anastasia?" Some did not feel they had the aptitude to take care of plants and therefore developed a strong sense of dislike for anything green and living preferring green and waxy.
Ana wouldn't say it but on top of being a shadow she was also a Mandalorian. After being saved the young woman had been trained as a warrior without the Force and now with that bonus she was the perfect body guard. She didn't mind it though and actually liked meeting people on the opposite side of her.

"It's alright, I have had to be rescued before too. It happens to the best of us and I don't mind coming along. I rather like the forest with all of its trees and wildlife. All the pretty flowers and different colored plants on Mandalore."

She lived on the outskirts of the city so she could be in that forest surrounded by plants and have her own little garden. Ana really wasn't that different.

"I like plants actually and I suspect that I will see many new ones out here. It's nice to have someone with me who can identify them. I'm sure you can even tell me the best plants for my garden."

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]​
Serena shrugged her shoulders, "Plants for your living room should be plants that you like and only need water once a week and to be fed once a month. Serena paused though trying not to pick up emotions, sensing a sense of loss she had a feeling Ana was not good with plants. Did one just recently turn brown? Plants required many things I keep a fern, it requires some attention, and water. Since they come in a variety I keep a few, now a cactus would be ideal water every three months and it still remains green

Serena had already decided to entertain Ana along their trip with stories of her family.

Do you family Ana? Serena liked to believe no one had a family like hers, but it as quite possible that there were others.
"I keep a garden outside with various vegetables. It helps keep me calm and its nice to be able to grow my own food. I am in no way way a farmer but I can grow some things. Nothing has turned brown yet but do you think something may have?" Ana knew that some Jedi had other abilities and could see things others couldn't or sense things. It was possibly that she was one of those types of Jedi.

"The Mandalorians are my family." She knew how it sounded especially coming from someone like her. They were her family and Ana would give up everything for them. They had taken her in and given her a home when nobody else wanted her. "They are a great group of warriors."

"What do you think I ought to grow?" [member="Serena Bouie"] was the plant expert so she thought to ask her.
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

"I have been taught that skill, oh what is it, and the one that makes plants grow. I generally give things a bit of boost" She smiled at Ana listening, now she had mentioned mandalorians. "What do I think you should grow, well you're growing vegetables to eat, which is great. But about something that's just for you to enjoy? You know something that makes you smile when you see how well it is doing" Serena was happy when the ferns didn't die, and she loved the variegated structures of their leaves, and the oxygen they provided.

"But now back to the Mandalorians. Aren't they a culture of" she wanted a tactful word, "instigators, and no offense. I don't know so I'm asking" And she was sure Ana would correct her.

Serena would learn two things this trips, things about mandalorians and whatever plants were waiting ahead.
Many people didn't understand the Mandalorians or their culture. She couldn't fault [member="Serena Bouie"] for her thoughts as well her Vode could be very secretive and distrustful. Ana was more than happy to point others in the correct direction. She didn't want the galaxy to think they were all a bunch of savages. There was so much more to that.

"We do go to war a lot. Battle is a big part of our culture but its not the only thing. We fight to keep our home safe, our family. We fight against the Sith and those whom would harm others. We once took over a world because there was a slave pit there. The Graug would hold millions of people there and the Mandalorians liberated those people. At the end of the day we are just like anybody else." Ana had been one of those people but that was not something that she would say.

"As far as plants go I'm not sure what I like. I know I like to garden but specific plants I'm not sure and I don't even know where to begin." She smiled with a sigh and shook her head. She was sure that Serena would be able to assist her with that issue as she dealt with plants. It was her thing.
[member="Anastasia Rade"]​
"War is the only thing anyone ever hears when the word Mandalorian is spoken Ana. and you want to say that every war has a justifiable reason for your people, I would be careful about who you speak this to. I do not think others will agree, and some would be determined to prove their own fitness shall we say." Serena looked over, she didn't know mandalorians, except well Ana.

Serena rocked back and forth for a moment trying to keep the emotions that were within her in check, this was just a task for her to do each day for a bit part of how they hoped she would get control of herself and her talent.

"A plant is my mother's area of expertise. I personally like rocks a whole lot more, they don't wither and die, and they rarely go extinct" Serena smiled, "So you have brothers and sisters?" Serena breathed in and out, in and out swaying concentrating and listening.
Ana would honestly say bring it on to anyone whom wanted to challenge her about the Mandalorians and her culture. She knew how to fight and wasn't afraid of one in the slightest especially against those who yapped about things they knew nothing about. It was fine though, she knew not many got them or cared to. It was better to just drop the topic and go back to something less threatening such as flowers and plants.

"Rocks are fun to climb? Can't say I have a rock garden or anything like that just a bed of flowers and a vegetable garden. They make the cottage have a nice homey look to it." Ana didn't even know if that was a word but she was going to be using it anyway. It seemed to work, kinda. She was nowhere near the type of farmer other members of the clam where. They could grow all sorts of things.

"I have an elder brother but besides him nope unless you could the clan. Do you have siblings?" She couldn't the clan but she knew some people would see that as weird.

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Siblings, "Yes too many but I'd be lost without them. All together I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters" Serena looked at Ana, "My parents are...well they believe in big families." Serena could pick up a hint of Ana's mood, and her aura rippled with colors ranging from blue to the firey red. It was unique to watch when they talked about her clans. That she was most protective of.

Serena had learned long ago, family was personal. She could say what she wanted about hers, but feth help anyone that said anything bad about her family. Religion, politics two subjects never to touch with someone you didn't know well.

Rocks. "Rocks actually can tell you a great deal. Age. Content. Events. So what do you do for fun Ana, besides gardening?"

She could understand that. Ana would be lost without her family now no matter how big they got. It just gave her more people to love and love she was finding out rather quickly wasn't a bad thing. Ana had always wished to belong somewhere and she had found that place. Ana at this moment couldn't see herself moving anywhere else but she didn't know what the future held for her.

"I found that I enjoy exploring a lot and seeing new worlds. As a child I didn't get out much so I guess this is to make up for that. I enjoy the children a lot and teaching them what I know. They are bright and one day hopefully I'll have my own." Ana wasn't sure about any of that really as she was searching for someone whom would accept her for her. She had much baggage and she knew not all could handle that. "What do you do for fun?"
Serena smiled at Ana, "So you dream of marriage and children? Do you have dreams? Aspirations? I mean I know you're a Jedi but sometimes the galaxy offers so much. Why stop at marriage and children?" Serena perhaps did not understand exactly what Ana was trying to say. Serena knew women that their only goals in life were to marry and have children.

Serena was not in a hurry for either, yes she would like a constant companion but she was not ready for the rest.

Serena then laughed "What do I do for fun, oh we are killing time right?" She was trying to say the list was long, "I wind surf, cave jump, rock climb, winter ski, swim, sailing, and then on the colder days I read and examine artifacts and rocks" She giggled some she did not give her the entire list she just gave her the favorites.

"Would you like to try any of them?"

[member="Anastasia Rade"]
"I would like that one day, marriage and children. First though I need to find someone to settle down with." She slightly smiled with a sigh. Ana knew it would be hard for her to find someone whom could handle her. A man willing to deal with her "baggage" and her brother. He was very protective of her but she knew he meant well.

"Who doesn't want to find someone to come home to? It's not the only thing I dream of. I want to be a better person become a field marshal one day. Help people whom are in similar situations as mine." Ana could go on but she doubted that [member="Wren"] wanted to hear all of that.

She had been living in a cell most of her life didn't help much when asked what she had done. Ana heard of some of those but not all of them and she hadn't done any of them herself. "They all sound fun but I'm afraid I have done none of them. What would you suggest?"
"I suggest all of them." Serena looked over at Ana "but I recommend you do cave jumping last. It requires excellent physical condition. "

They were now entering the system Feluscia was within sight. "Since you garden you can identify whether a plant looks healthy, right?" Serena looked and watched Ana to see if she agreed.

sorry so short. I'm a little tired

[member="Anastasia Rade"]
Cave jumping seemed to be something right up her ally and she was sure that others would agree to such sentiments. The Mandos were always in shape so that would be no problem. She may have everyone go together in a group and cliff jump. It sounded like a rather fun actually. These activities were ones in which she would have to explore later and look up to see what they fully entailed.

"Yes, I can. I try to keep my garden looking its best. I do eat the vegetables and fruits that come from it so I attempt to weed it most days that I am around." She wasn't home enough now so perhaps never season she wouldn't replant. Work kept her away from home far too much to have a proper garden. It was the sad truth of the matter.


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