Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Live Long and Plunder | Taris


Live Long and Plunder
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk , Laphisto Laphisto , Yané Unassi Yané Unassi , Vazela Vazela , Aurine Werr Aurine Werr , Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra , Jonathon Patches Jonathon Patches , Rackham Rackham , Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell , Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , OPEN
Ultimately, many threats to the safety of a world come without warning.

For Taris, a prosperous planetary city caught between three superpowers, that threat was expected to be the Dark Empire. Already they had their messages pre-prepared to hail their neighbors for aid. Yet even so, none were expecting danger to arrive from the reaches of the Outer Rim. In the early hours of the morning the Sons of Shadow made their intentions known, jumping twenty star destroyers into the atmoasphere of the planet, organizing them in a rectangular formation above one of Taris's many economic districts...


Husks of vessels, stollen from the scrapyards of the nearby Bracca, made to pollute the air and shroud the city below in darkness. The expendable capital ships, empty shells with skeleton crews, have clear orders from the Specter: If fired upon, rain hell upon Taris. On board cannons are primed to fire, and missile payloads are ready to be dropped at a moments notice. Below, the streets of Taris erupt into chaos, as squadrons of ugly starfighters blow structures to bits at random. With total anarchy in the streets of Taris, the Sons of Shadow make landfall, storming the various luxury businesses of the planet in the thousands, carried by their lust for combat, plunder, and glory....

All a cover for darker designs.

While forces of nearby allies rally to defend Taris from the barbarians who now lay siege, those alligned with the darkness move in the shadows of the undercity in search of a great power that has been lost to time...


  • Heroes: Defend the city of Taris and earn the trust of her people. Take to the streets to combat pirate forces from the ground or take to the skies to help clear the air. Evacuation of civilians is underway.
  • Villains: Join the raid on Taris and plunder to your heart's content. Luxury goods spill fourth from the businesses of Taris like water from a spring. For the brave, venture into the darkness to link up with the Sith.
  • Neutral: Capitalize on the chaos for your own benefit.
OOC: Anything goes! That's right, this is a public thread that is fully open to all, complete chaos expected and encouraged. I only ask that this chaos keeps to the spirit of the thread's overall plot. Other than that go hog wild.


F L A G // :
Scourge of Koru Neimoidia| Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III | 4,810m

TFS Nute | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m
TFS Gunray | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m

TFS Barbarian | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Saxon | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Onslaught | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Hand of Doom | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m

ANS Core One
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Two
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Three | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Four. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Five
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
TFS Droideka One | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Two | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Three | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Four | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Five | Modified Captor Class Cruiser

Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Vulture Droid Starfighter
Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Hyena Tactical Bomber
Imperial Phlac-Arphocc 23 Model Droid Tri-Fighter
Trade Federation TIE/ads Advanced Droid Seeker
The Scourge of Koru Neimoidia sailed through the vastness of hyperspace, enveloped in an eerie silence. The only sounds that broke the stillness were the gentle clicks of fingers on monitors and the whispered conversations among the few organic crew. As the starship and her escort fleet hurled through the darkness, its crew members worked diligently to ensure that everything was running smoothly.

The primary objective of the 2nd Fleet was to oversee the unfolding developments on the Planet of Taris, a crucial location situated amidst the dominant forces in the galaxy and a highly sought-after area for establishing a new military production facility, given the surplus of jobless inhabitants residing in the lower sectors following the planet's reconstruction a century earlier.

" Admiral, our fleet is entering the Taris System. " the GRX-Series Military Droid's voice resonated nearby, as the Neimoidian reciprocated with a cordial glance in response to the information, bringing up a small tactical screen as the fleet exited from hyperspace. The Tuuk Family was highly respected and revered on the Neimoidian Purse Worlds, known for their success and influence since the days of the Ancient Clone Wars. Vonddado was determined to uphold the family's legacy by achieving a significant victory for the Trade Federation.

<< Most Excellent, Captain. As you can see our enemy has strategically positioned themselves over the most densely populated areas, and is well within range to cause significant damage in the event of engagement with our fleet. Whomever these invaders are clearly have an understanding of even basic military stratagems and should not be underestimated >> The Neimoidian gentle voice resonated as he reviewed the tactical information gathered from their scanners. The command chair shifted slightly as Vonddado leaned back, furrowing his eyes in deep thought. He pondered the best strategy to emerge victorious in the upcoming engagement over Taris.

the Fleet presented no real threat to the three lucrehulks under his control, the potential devastation to the civilian population could significantly impact the Trade Federation's factory operations. After all, a functioning factory required a stable workforce to operate efficiently.

It became clear that the best strategy moving forward was to wait beyond the planetary boundary, and assume a defensive position. It was likely that other powers and interest groups would arrive due to the disturbance, and they would waste their own resources in containing the crisis. After they had exhausted themselves, then the Federation would move in for the kill.

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Primarion Hiperius
✠ Imperator of the First Legion ✠

Objective: Secure Vault 711

Location: Taris, Surface
Tag(s): Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath , Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk , Open


{ T H E M E }
Battle Line:
Ground Complement:

One of their Speculatores had warned them about the increase in activity in the Taris System, in response CRUCOM CRUCOM had sent Task Force Vespasian. The mission briefing was quite concise, as it was custom among the workings of Vandemar and Imperator Hiperius would lead the units in hyperspace only mere moments later.

The objective was quite straight forward. Apparently in the past, a distant past, agents of the Hegemon had a laboratory and vault on the world, the former closed a long time ago and the latter sealed and buried, both metaphorically as well as literally. It was not recorded of what it held but both the way to enter it and the necessary mechanism to unlock it were saved and given to the Imperator. The threat of converging forces and accidental discovery or destruction was too large to leave it at that. While they had no order to directly engage and eliminate any threat, they neither were bound by any treaties or conventions to not eliminate any threat.

While a battle would have been a certainly much needed test of arms, it was not Primarion's plan. The Task Force was outside the system, beyond reach of scanners and sensors laying in wait while he and a single shuttle and two other Legionaries were moving to the surface along with a detachment of Skytroopers.

The trio of gold-clad clones walked down the streets, hectic chaos of people rushing back and forth surrounding them, when suddenly the mild fear which lay in the air turned into pure despair together with a darkening of the skies as a large group of rather ill-maintained Star Destroyers moved into a geo-synchrone orbit above the city, spitting out strike craft which started its carnage. A mind-impulse was sent to the shuttle and relayed to the Task Force, preparing for engagement but remaining where they were for the time being. The feed on Primarion's HUD showed that another battle-group had just arrived.

Neither brought the three soldiers off their course as they continued, now with hastened step, towards their destination and goal.

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Objective: Heros: Sky Portion

Enemies: Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius
Friends?: Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk

It was early Morning and Aurine sat at her desk at the top of Werr Drive Yards and Werr Shipping & Securities Head Quarters skyscraper looking out over the Tarisian sea as dawn broke. Another day, more contracts to fulfill. Next door was Du'thra Engineering's skyscraper Head Quarters, on the other side & on a jut of land was Tel'alith Labs Head Quarters taking up almost all the space but leaving pristine beach to stroll on & wildlife to use. Not far off in the water was their various oceanic research in the relative shallows around them.

The days plans would be ruined in a flash, a glint in space catches her eye but nothing more to be seen. It wasn't even fifteen minutes before the door busts open and the head of security runs in "Miss Werr! A rag tag fleet has arrived over part of Taris & they have deployed ugly ships & troops into parts of the world. Orders?" Aurine couldn't quite believe what was going on. Someone attacking here? This place is neutral, like us. We quietly keep the mouths of the galaxy fed with deliveries of goods. "Order every Recusant we have to get between them and the city, deploy the reserve providences. This will not go unanswered, I will not allow the HQ of this company to be touched by outsiders." The head of security gave a hasty salute "As you wish!" as he ran out the door. Aurine turned toward the holoboard that allowed her to look over the ocean at the same time, bringing up the enemy ships & hers shortly thereafter.

She opened a comm channel to Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra "Where are you? Some group has deployed a ton of Star Destroyers to Taris."

From a cluster of skyscrapers that from above look like another dense part of the city near the ocean 10 recusants emerge from the dry docks. The ships were there for various reasons, from a new paint job & technology, to needing battle damage repaired. Another 5 sit in their berths as they are too far into repairs to be worth sending at that time. A ways away and in her view range 5 Providences emerge from beneath the Tarisian sea water spilling of their hulls. All of the vessels move to create a shield between the city planet & the self declared enemies. Most of them launching some Vultures for now to chase the ugly fighters wreaking havoc on the city world.

10 Recusants
5 Providences all join the fray and move to protect the city from the enemy fleet.
160 out of 2,400 Vultures engage enemy star fighters
120 Tri fighters remain in reserve
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"So much for talking to my son!"

Spoken from the grumbling yet aged Human Replica Droid known as Angelus Hafey. The screeching of Uglies were only matched by the loud CRACK of the lightning that broke through the skies. Whining through loudly as debris of various uglies were starting to stack up. Pulling on several levers, Angelus Hafey was controlling the impressively built but equally difficult to fly custom Victor-Wing through skyscrapers and holes through various sections of the city.

If Angelus was not firing upon his foes, the turrets themselves were droid operated and fired without the need of the droid pilot himself. Firing upon incoming Uglies, one of them would score several laser cannon hits alongside the Victor-Wing, only for them to bounce off and be deflected, with the Pseudosonic firing nearby and obliterating in sonic like damage the entire Ugly into fragment like pieces.

"Mayday, Mayday on all channels! This is Angelus Hafey, I am caught in the crossfire and requesting landing clearance at any known station! I repeat, this is Angelus-"

"Dad?! What the hell you doing on Taris?!"

"Alvis! I don't know why you are here but you need to get out now! Do you have a way?"

"Ehh in a matter of speaking yeah. It is going to take a while, find help on your own till then!"

"Wait, Alvi-DAMN IT! All channels, I still need a piece of landing clearance!"

Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath
TAGS: Open

Moored on a dirt planet in the Outer Rim after a job had gone wrong, Hakon Fett was picked up by a scouting part of the so-called Sons of Shadows. Without any bargaining power, he shook hands for half-a-share of loot. For over a month, Harkon sailed with the Sons of Shadows on a plundering spree across the Outer Rim. Piracy was a rather new experience for him, and while he had the chance to leave the crew unnoticed during a port of call on Dubrillion, the dozen husk warship the pirates hauled from Bracca lured his curiosity to stay.

And now, the curiosity had been sated. The Mandalorian stared in awe at the shells of dead ships conquering the skies above and casting an eclipse over Taris' economic district. Black smoke oozed from their barely salvaged engines, a smoke so thick it crashed down over the planet like a tidal wave. Glasses shattered and fires burned. Desperate screams echoed throughout the streets, chased by the maniacal laughter of pirates on a plundering rampage.

Hakon's lips curved into a wicked smile. A whole planet held hostage by a mass of rusty steel. He felt alive. Brimming with energy. The Old Way. Something told him this was his final port as a crewman of the Sons of Shadows.

He had to make the most out of it.

Shouldering his carbine, the Mandalorian joined in the plundering of Taris.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Above the City
Equipment : The usual
Objective : Heroes - Drop the hammer, light the fire, escalate things

"We're over the target area now, Marshal." The crackly voice of Rodarch Claw's Captain echoed through the blackness of the sealed compartment. The darkness of the dropship's bay was lit only by the light of Arla's datapad. She quickly hit the comm to reply to the captain of the Rodarch Claw. "Then by all means, commence the drop."

Before anyone could react further, the ground fell out beneath everyone, as the dropship careened away from the warship in high Taris orbit, streaking groundside at excessive speed. The Mandalorians aboard were all veterans, and mostly enjoyed the experience or ignored it, focused on the battle to come. There were some whoops and hollering, but no screams or vomit.

Outside the ship, space was congested with a pirate or mercenary force engaged above the planet, the Mandalorians didn't quite know yet who it was. They knew enough that whoever it was, was their enemy, and that was enough. The fight was on, and so close to Mandalorian space, the Mandalorians had come in force.

Ranks of battleships came out of hyperspace to bring a serious military presence to Taris space, with several making steep dives into the planet itself to deploy ground and airborne forces. Led by Marshal Arla Rodarch of the Journeyman Protectors, the interdiction force had been mandated to end the threat to Taris and drive off the raiders.

Space above Taris began to fill up with Mandalorian warships from escorts to frigates and destroyers and battleships. Each brought a complement of fighters which were deployed en masse to add to the mix. Any hostile forces coming in, or trying to escape were going to find a very warm welcome awaiting them. Overkill? Perhaps, but the Mandalorians were very deliberately trying to play unfair.

Dropships like the one Arla was aboard streaked down ahead of the descending battleships, each aiming for strategically chosen locations onworld, or to directly assault enemy capital ships floating above the city. But they were only the vanguard. Behind them, the Mandalorian ships began to disgorge troopers in blue. First dozens, then hundreds, then thousands. All of them independently air mobile and trained for orbital insertion. They came down like a flowing tsunami wave, ready to sweep away all before them in a torrent of unadulterated force.

Starfighters began to come down from the battleships and battlecruisers to make runs into the city, and to give the attacking starfighters something to worry about other than ground fire. Behind them came the five battleships that were making the low orbit assault, which would give the Mandalorians a decent punch against the twenty star destroyers arrayed above Taris.

The threat to Taris from those enemy ships was obvious, though no outward verbal threat had been made. Arla had made the hard decision to call the enemy's bluff and assault them directly, no matter the threat to the civilian population. She would not bow to terrorist threats, and she would exact a heavy price in blood for the deaths caused by the enemy today.

TLDR : Mando fleet in Taris orbit. Five ships planetbound dropping fighters, dropships, and orbital drop infantry.

Tags Angelus Hafey Angelus Hafey Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath

TAGS: Open

"Mando!" Hakon turned his head at the voice from behind. Perucz. Rumors were he’d gutted his own brother for a bag of credits. "Isn't that your people?" the blue skinned Twi'lek pointed at the skies, his grasp of Basic loose at best. Without saying a word, Hakon swiveled around and marched towards the half-destroyed terrace upon which the Twi'lek pirated had been standing on.

The Mandalorian looked up to the darkened skies, littered with even more ships that before, and zoomed in his sight through the helmet. He squinted until the blurred paint on a warship sharpened into recognition. He tilted his head. Rodarch.

"They are, aren't them? Heh—“ the pirate jerked his head at the dropships making landfall, then licked his fangs at Hakon. “—looks like they aren’t here for loot, eh?

Hakon said nothing in return and the Twi’lek ventured off with a scoff. He followed the pirate’s form with his gaze until it disappeared around a corner, then levied his frown at the Mandalorian fleet above.

The Protectors’ appearance shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Taris was not far off from home, yet it was an aruetii’s world; a hefty sum would’ve exchanged hands for this show of force.

… a sum far larger than the plunder of a whole world?

But what if it didn’t?

What if it didn’t…

The question echoed in his mind in a loop as he observed with piqued curiosity the Mandalorians’ landfall from the height of his vantage point.

Starships and Orientation:
As the Mandalorians began to spill into the city, ugly star fighters took evasive action, appearing to retreat through the gaps between the capital ships above. This was not a retreat. With the majority of the pirate forces within buildings that lay outside of the star destroyer's line of fire, the skeleton crews of the vessels that loomed over Taris activated their turbolasers to fire upon anything below them indiscriminantly. The troops of the Mandalorians, starfighters unfortunate enough to be in the streets of the city, and non-combatants fleeing the chaos now all find themselves under heavy fire.

In the depths below, sheltered by the upper levels of the planetary city, Kalrath moves with purpose. His hands twitched anxiously as the large Sith lumbered through the underbelly, feeding off of the lingering darkness of an era long since past. Taris, eons ago, was a wasteland, brought to its knees by the Empire of Revan. His Sith Empire. Things of wickedness were left behind, things that Kalrath had seen the conception of so long ago.

One such thing was his own. His creation.

With a deep rumble, removing his mask to speak his will into being, Kalrath shouted his command, ripping through a wall that lay before him to reveal the ancient city below.

He continued.


F L A G // :
Scourge of Koru Neimoidia| Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk Class III | 4,810m

TFS Nute | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m
TFS Gunray | Tambor Pattern Lucrehulk II | 3810m

TFS Barbarian | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Saxon | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Onslaught | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m
TFS Hand of Doom | Imperial Kavaak Class Escort | 1,001m

ANS Core One
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Two
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Three | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Four. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
ANS Core Five
.. | GH-4201 Class Modular Core Ship | 750m
TFS Droideka One | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Two | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Three | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Four | Modified Captor Class Cruiser
TFS Droideka Five | Modified Captor Class Cruiser

Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Vulture Droid Starfighter
Imperial Phlac-Arphocc Hyena Tactical Bomber
Imperial Phlac-Arphocc 23 Model Droid Tri-Fighter
Trade Federation TIE/ads Advanced Droid Seeker

Delaying proved to be a risky endeavor in the context of military operations, as it provided the opposing forces with the opportunity to adapt their tactics and devise effective responses. The element of surprise was forfeited by the Trade Federation as soon as the Neimoidian issued the order to wait but there was some logical reasoning, as it allowed him to analyze the enemy fleet more throughly on the tactical screens.

The incoming data was somewhat unreliable given the considerably long distance the 2nd Fleet was from the orbit of Taris, however, it indicated the presence of approximately 20 warships of different sizes, including four Victory Class ships positioned on the outer flanks, two Tector Class ships flanking the Interdictor, one Interdictor Class at the center, and thirteen older Imperial II ships.

A sizeable compliment, more than enough to challenge a fleet or two in direct confrontation but equally adequate in destroying half the city-sectors and thousands of potential workers. " Hmmm, Captain. How many starships are currently on the field of battle excluding the enemy fleet in orbit ? " Tuuk asked, looking at the GRX-Series Military Droid stationed nearby. A quick series of internal caculations was conducted, before an answer was given.

" By my caculations - the exact number of warships on the field of battle number, 15 warships from the Werr Drive Yards and Werr Shipping & Securities. and about a dozen warships from the Mandalorian Protectors. " The Tactical Droid provided a detailed explanation as it transferred the data to the Admiral's datapad. The presence of a significant fleet of warships above the planet highlighted the potential for confusion in distinguishing between friend and foe in the event of Trade Federation intervention, therefore Vondaddo was content to wait for a little while longer.

The Neimoidian glanced at the tactical screen as Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch mounted a desperate offensive to crush the fleet of Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath . Such a strategic error would not have been committed by even the most inexperienced mandalorian foundling, considering the potential danger to innocent civilians.

" Ah - It seems that the Mandalorian Commander has their helmet on a bit too tight, as they are prepared to endanger a significant portion of the population in a reckless offensive. Nonetheless, their mistake does present us with a chance to strategically prepare the planet for reconstruction aid by trapping the planetary government in debt " Tuuk reveled in satisfaction as he observed the Taris Occupation Fleet initiating a bombardment on the planet's surface. Despite the displacement of the population, the construction of the factory could proceed as planned, with the promise of restoring the planet for a suitable fee.

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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser (Aranar), 2x Liberator-class Star Destroyers, 4x Shield-class Escort Cruiser, GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighters, Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptors, HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft, Various evacuation ships

Mig held tight as the Aranar along with escorts and MP star destroyers, bolted for Taris. It would be strange to see the orbital defense vessel in a fight like this, but if Gred's were one thing it was resourceful with their ships. Admittedly the Liberator's seemed to work well with Gred ships. Droids instead of AI, but a similar goal in mind. As the vessels entered the system and began scanning though, Mig could help but frown.

"Karking.... They're right above the city instead of orbit." He quickly hit his comms, knowing Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch was already ahead of him. "I don't remember 'They're in the blue' being part of what was going on here. We take out those ships with cannons and that's an miles of the city reduced to rubble. Try not to burn Taris down. I'll be down soon." Sometimes Mig wished this sort of thing was easier. He wasn't rightly going to just drop down and pull them back to orbit. Couldn't strike them. He could work with what he had though. A lot of firepower. He noted the Trade Fed ships in orbit too. He groaned a little. Hopefully the wouldn't try to interfere with this.

"Aranar, patch us to those SDs. See what they think about a little message. And tell the Netherhounds and Wraiths to be ready for a spin." The AI was quick to respond as fighters began taking off in defensive formations. Orders were sent out to the fleet to enter an orbital defense formation, though for the Aranar it may as well have been setting blockade, one broadside on the hyperspace lane, and the other inline with the Star Destroyers. He knew his clan's reputation would probably proceed him. Not one to waste lives meaninglessly, Mandalorian, aruetii , whatever. A large chunk of his forces weren't Mando either. Still, hopefully these looters wouldn't think too much about this.

"This Mig Gred aboard the Aranar. I don't know what you're plan is, but we won't make things easy for you. If you reduce the city beneath you to rubble...." Mig hesitated for a moment. Numbers running through his head, thought of how powerful the Aranar's guns would be in this kind of attack. He admittedly didn't like to think about any sort of bombardment being an option, but it might would be the only thing they'd listen to. "My ships have no reason to hold back. So I'll give you a chance. Hold. Your. Fire." Mig would give a chance to respond, but not before begin to make his way for the hanger. He'd be heading down there. Many of the fighters would be keeping watch over evac ships, trying to keep them safe from enemy fighters. Mig. He'd take the Netherhounds and Wraith Division to the surface. The Wraiths and a unit from the Netherhounds would hold down the evac zone with tanks and troops respectively, while the rest of the MIL forces from the Netherhounds would be with him in the city to try and hold the pirates up, even for a moment.

Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Angelus Hafey Angelus Hafey Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
The sound of the engines having a temporary setback would be made, a fire erupting as many more uglies were now following the annoyance that was this Victor-wing. Twisting the control stick, he was starting to slightly panic which was unusual for the Human Replica Droid. Dipping downward into a canyon like valley of structures, he tried to lose the pursuers as all turrets were firing but were registering little to no hits now. The starship was getting to its last breath, weaving in and out of a parking structure, he finally got a registered message.

"Hurry! Docking Bay Nine! QUICK!"

There was a loud whine as the Victor-Wing pushed the last bit of engine strength it had as it flew directly into a tunnel, the turrets firing behind as it struck finally enough, causing a cascading crash. Flying forward, the starship would enter in a capital ship construction yard, most notably a cruiser that resembled a Lictor-class. Going into the ships hanger bay structure, he was amazed at how many people were currently stacked one after the other in there. Turning off the starship, he would try to get up before feeling the massive pounding of turbolaser fire over them with screams echoing outside the Victor-wing but miraculously...they were still alive. From the viewport, he noticed rubble falling but at the same time, he saw the ground starting to become more rubble...than the sky. Then the audible BOOM of the engines erupted of the Lictor.

"We are getting multiple reports of structures being hit!"

"We are running out of time Alvis!

"Loaded in the last group from Quadrant Nine! We have a gunboat docked as well!"

"Keep relaying, we can ke-"


The chaos of this entire situation was befalling onto Alvis Hafey himself. Having conversed barely ten minutes ago from his father, whom he had been stricken from the family heritage and fortune, he been drifting the past two months. However, he had figured out a way to "circumvent" some of the restrictions, being able to acquire old salvage such as the Lictor-class Dungeon Ship and repair it over the course of a small timeframe. Refitting it in a way that somehow has become tradition with Hafeys, to remodel their first starships into Q-Ships, turning a once humble prison transport into a terrifying ordinance cruiser.

Though at the moment, the only thing that ran through Alvis mind is how long can the building housing them hold up. The answer was not to long, the rubble would start to fall onto the Lictor as the shields kept pushing off what it could but it was soon becoming to much. Yelling out an order, he moved over towards a nearby console and started activating all maneuvering jets and engine power as the "Ord Redemption" as it was so aptly named, started to rise into the air.

"They lied! They have opened fire on us!"

"So I am aware Miss Parn! Everyone prepare emergency procedures, we have to point upwards!"

"They are right above us! They are blocking our way out and will tear us apart!"

"Not if they can't hit us and far as I am concerned, WE are going to go THROUGH them! Load all weapons, gravitonic!"

The Ord Redemption on its maiden voyage was already having a troubled start, having turbolaser fire smashing into the shields as they were starting to lose their shields. People were screeching all over the bridge as some holes in the shield that started to form would reveal the turbolaser fire bouncing off...a perk of the Phkalt Metal that was so instrumental in the Hafeys long line of success in recent years. Soon, the Ord Redemption was pointing towards the large and yet insanely massive star destroyer fleet overhead with Alvis messing with a data console quickly. The bridge would soon start to turn into a pale shock as a countdown timer would show up, revealing a message.



Activating SLAM MK.II at this point was beyond the word of was insane. It was designed for interstellar travel, in space to ensure the cooling systems would work properly and not blow out the entire engine block on the attempt. Even ten seconds would ensure an almost complete destruction of the starships main reactor if it occurred in the planets atmosphere, draining it completely to the bone and causing a potential collapse of all the cooling and venting systems across the starship. Alvis was banking on a piece of hope, something that was not tested beforehand. The Isotope Tritium Zero reactor that was installed, it had never been tested together with this type of technology. A reactor of pure, unlimited energy source that required to be stabilized but in turn, would power the coolant system to work in an overdrive fashion to keep the cruiser cooled off long enough to break orbit. The test now long can it hold up with a near unlimited energy source, being drained and putting a strain on all systems on the "Ord Redemption"?

Before that answer could be done, anyone around the area would see a bright blue eruption behind the Ord Redemption the engines almost spewed a volcanic set of blue fire. In a sudden lurch, the entire Lictor-class Ordinance Cruiser shot forward at a speed unlike any that have been known for a Mandalorian vessel of that size in the past fifty years. Rocketing forward, the entire Ord Redemption shook as turbolaser fire started to ping off of its hull as the entire vessel started to glow a distinct orange and red, the Mandalorian Emblem turning into a fiery red and black glow with an audible sensor ping that could be picked up even in orbit!



Screamed Alvis to the top of his voice, holding onto the front of the console for dear life as systems around them started to blare warning sirens. The skyscrapers were soon leaving their view and nothing but the open sky was soon showing with the small wedge shaped star destroyers starting to very quickly come larger into view. Flicking a few set of switches, the starfighter missile systems came online as people around him started to sweat, the temperature inside the starship was climbing to nearly one hundred and twenty degrees Fahrenheit! They just needed to break into the upper atmosphere, the loud SHUNKING of the front of the missile bay doors opened. Giving the authorization codes, he waited to see if of the uglies would try to stop them as they started to hurl themselves forward onto the star destroyers above, their turbolasers almost doing no lasting damage against them!

Tags: Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Mig Gred Mig Gred Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch


Primarion Hiperius
✠ Imperator of the First Legion ✠

Objective: Secure Vault 711

Location: Taris, Underground
Tag(s): Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath , Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk , Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , Mig Gred Mig Gred , Hakon Fett Hakon Fett , Aurine Werr Aurine Werr , Angelus Hafey Angelus Hafey , Alvis Hafey Alvis Hafey


{ T H E M E }
Battle Line:
Ground Complement:

The situation deteriorated quite swiftly when yet another group of ships arrived and started to battle the raiders which in turn opened bombardment of the city. Dogfights started to erupt above the streets, between skyscrapers and the hurled down turbolaser fire. Even for pathetic looters this was a strange move. Destroying potential value while having it at their mercy? The Mandalorians attacking did not seem to care for the civilians much, but still, the combined recklessness was hinting at more.

Hiperius led his followers underground, to get as much earth and concrete between himself and the impacts of high-yield lasers as possible. It was not easy or a smooth way, panicking civilians blocked the way, screaming and yelling in utter fear and despair. Some injured, some not, it mattered little. The trio moved, they moved and removed anyone in their way as non-violent as possible without slowing down. It certainly resulted in bruises and broken bones among those who found themselves begging or defiantly standing in their way way. They had no time for this.

While getting underground, Primarion kept his mind on the facts at hand and he came to the conclusion that the battle above was as unimportant as the civilian lifes and property lost. It was a distraction, a ruse for something more serious going on. But he could not tell what or who and also not where. Someone was using the battle and chaos as their cover. There was no reason not to do so himself. Let the barbarians fight each other.

The trio continued on downwards.

Part II
Objective - Neutral | "Corpse collection."

Now Playing - Witchhelm - Ulven
Location - Taris

The many disturbed beacons of the neutral planet of Taris screamed through space at a desperate rate. While some well-meaning heroes attempted to intervene on the conflict to support the innocents, and some evildoers took the opportunity to push their own violent agendas, Contii followed the scent of chaos to the surface of the planet in search of a "resource" now in abundance in the populated district...


Hailing from the recently civilized planet of Gefängnis, Vergessen Contii, his ensemble of Made Men, and a few modified HYDRA units were deployed into the action.

Contii needed fresh corpses in order to sustain a new invention he was in the process of creating. The best source of corpses were in war devastated areas, or even active conflict hotspots. He entered the planet's orbit in a strange vessel, which was coated in a thick "armor" of biomass, which interwove with the cold steel of the vehicle, and somehow sustained itself in the vacuum of space. It was more like a blimp than anything ordinary, and its surface unfurled to reveal ejection points that spat out pods filled with Made Men, and Contii himself. These pods of bio-mesh and durasteel shot down into the lowest layer of the economic district afflicted with toxifying smog, and pierced the veil of darkness to imbed themselves into the streets of the desecrated concrete jungle.

Contii came well prepared - donning his Combat Weave, as it created a thin film of skin over his mouth and other bodily entrances that filtered the toxic fumes in the air. He incubated in his own pod as the air pressure inside it stabilized to a rate that satisfied Contii's alien biology, and he exited, into the hell that was ravaging this world.

The newly formed skin from his combat weave flared and collapsed, filling with blood and pulsating with its freshly formed muscle fibres. Made Men crawled out of their pods nearby and vocalized distorted cries. Some screamed in the voices of terrified women and children, and some chortled with the voices of amused infants.

A streak of energy had split the road they were deployed onto in half, leaving an extending crater filled with debris, and most importantly... Corpses.

To begin the "recovery", a HYDRA droid exited its own larger drop pod and began to chitter its mandibles, like it was hungry. It scuttled across the road and into the crater, and began... Consuming bodies. It didn't split the bodies up with its bug-like maw, but it swallowed them whole, and intended to keep the bodies in its distended belly to preserve them.

Regardless of anybody's intention in this war, Contii wasn't here for useless squabbles, or to squander his own time.

But he wouldn't let anything get in his way.
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Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Above the City
Equipment : The usual
Objective : Heroes - Exact justice on the murderers

"Bastards." Arla cursed as she noted a text message on her datapad. The scum had started bombing the planet. Not unexpected, but still, the act of lunacy made her blood boil. She was sure her troops felt the same way. The enemy had just given the Mandalorians one more reason to kill every last one of them. Naasad mirci't. She texted back. No prisoners.

Up in space, command links were set up between the fleet and the new arrivals under Alor Mig Gred. Command of the fleet was transferred to the Alor, giving him control of the well over a hundred starships Arla had brought, and their fighters too. A very significant military force with hundreds of thousands of loyal, trained and dedicated naval personnel, ready to fight for Manda'yaim.

The Mandalorian Fleet's battle line was led by ten Restoration-class Battlecruisers, backed up by twenty five Liberator-class Star Destroyers, with a plethora of smaller heavy cruisers, frigates and escorts, as well as carriers in the rear of the fleet. There was a colossal conglomeration of firepower, all at the ready to smash any enemy fleet that dared to come against it. Even now more escorts poured from hyperspace to fill out the fleet, and compliment the huge warships leading the Mando line.

Down far closer to Taris's surface in the battle above the city, the twenty star destroyers of the enemy that were unleashing their fire on the planet below were themselves assaulted. Five of them came under direct fire from the weapon arrays of the five Battleships descending toward them. Five of them had troopers of the Blue descend upon their hulls from above. These troops immediately set to penetrating the ships and wreaking as much damage as they could.

Ten destroyers were singled out for the attention of a dropship, and in a coordinated assault, the spike-like ships sheared into the rear of each Destroyer's bridge tower, deploying their dangerous cargo inside. Ten battle companies of the Reds, Mand'alor's space Marines, one of which was led by Arla Rodarch herself.

Arla and her force of Marines planned to fight viciously, to plant ion explosives all over the ship's bridge level, and then make their exits, leaving fire and burnt corpses in their wake. From above, among the descending fighters would come swarms of drones, to each disabled ship. These drones would work in teams, engaging their heavy tractor beams, and began, one by one, to lift the disabled ships higher and higher, slowly but surely dragging them upward, toward space, and away from any danger of crashing into the planet.

The ten ships were breached in tandem as the Marines and Arla made their attack, prepared to deal death to the crews, showing no hesitation and no mercy. Even as the Mandalorians exacted a high price for the crimes of the enemy, Hope came to Taris's surface, raining down among the turbolaser blasts. The High Orbit Precision Entry of the Blues was the liberation and rescure of the people of Taris, as they fought the attackers hard.

TLDR : Mando fleet transferred to Mig's command. All twenty Star Destroyers come under attack. Disabled ships will be tractored away from Taris.

Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius Alvis Hafey Alvis Hafey Angelus Hafey Angelus Hafey Mig Gred Mig Gred Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Aurine Werr Aurine Werr

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Du'thra Engineering's Defense fleet
10 Impetum Heavy Cruiser
2 Cynosure Nidus

156 Vultures
60 Tri-fighters
72 HMP's

Within Impetum's
600,000 B1 & B2's mixed

Coming back to the Du'thra Engineering HQ on Taris the fleet meant to help deter the other forces of the galaxy were apparently too late for their intent. Illithor stood upon the bridge of the Tal'Volair Cynosure Nidus when his black stare into the white/blue streaks of hyperspace was interrupted by the Comm officer "Sir, you have a message from the Werr Drive Yards CEO." Illithor snapped back to reality "Patch it through."
"Where are you? Some group has deployed a ton of Star Destroyers to Taris."
He sighed "I am there in a few minutes. Thanks for the heads up." turning the comm to every one of his ships "All personal we are coming his hot, a pirate fleet is attacking Taris. This is not a drill." The adrenaline started pumping <<Ai, prep all vultures, tri-fighters, and HMP'S for commando & troop insertions on the enemy vessels.>> the Ai was swift in it's acknowledgement <<Done.>>

The chaotic Skys above Taris would see the 10 smaller vessels drop out of hyperspace just at the edge of the atmosphere followed by the two Cynosure Nidus's. To those who haven't seen the vessel types before it was as if someone shrunk the Cynosure down, or enlarged the Impetum's. With their arrival a flood of fighter craft followed by HMP's drop onto the smoke belching ancient ships.

Illithor opens the comm to his ships, the mandalorians ( Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch etc.) & Aurine Werr Aurine Werr 's "Aim for their guns and what shields remain. I am sending in troops to commandeer them." To this own forces he opens a comms "Don't fire on the ships that have stopped hitting Taris, go for the ones that are actively firing." Perhaps it would be enough to put a quick end to the threat.

Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath

Fleet drops out of hyperspace
unloads fighters & HMP'S for hanger drops into enemy fleet
will drop about 100k droids when the Impetum's get closer to the surface
Cynosure's hold position for precision strikes with their long range heavy turbo lasers
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Objective: Heros: Sky Portion

Enemies: Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath | Primarion Hiperius Primarion Hiperius
Friends?: Vonddado Tuuk Vonddado Tuuk | Angelus Hafey Angelus Hafey
Friends: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra

The Mandalorians arrive! and immediately blow the plan to smithereens when they open fire as soon as they can. Reacting and opening a comm to her ships "Open fire on their weapons! Everything you have we don't want to crash them into our hard work. Nor let them burn everything down. If they stop firing on the city stop firing." The triple alliance families had slowly rebuilt a large swath of the city over the centuries with another huge section underway.

She finally gets a response from Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra
He sighed "I am there in a few minutes. Thanks for the heads up."
Aurine sighed in relief, the two even minus the ships the Tel'alith Lab has been missing from for the engagement. They would beat the number of enemy vessels. Sending more fighters out to engage enemy fighters & attack weapon emplacements.

Another message arrives shortly after Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra 's ships arrive
"Aim for their guns and what shields remain. I am sending in troops to commandeer them."
Turning to her own comms "You heard him, support their efforts!" The group greatly increases the amount of launched fighters.

Opening a comm to Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch & Mig Gred Mig Gred "Hello again, How can we coordinate better?" It hadn't been that long that she help defend part of their space and got closer to hopefully finding out what happened to her dad.

10 Recusants
5 Providences all join the fray and move to protect the city from the enemy fleet.
500 out of 2,400 Vultures engage enemy star fighters
120 & 60 Tri fighters remain in reserve
Mando Witch (Semi-Retired)
Clan Rekali was always busy. A Clan dedicated to being a Private Military Company, but also explorers, and as far as the Mandalorians were concerned, voodoo priests. They had their own flavor of the Force, inspired by the Jedi, Sith, and Witches, but something all together different. It made Marek feel better, being a part of the something that was unique. Something that separated him from his template. The Marek Starchaser of the old CIS. Between that and the posting in the Mandalorian Protectors? He was different. He was something new.

Something that Starchaser family never had.

He was better than that, but also not nearly as loud. Following along in the footprints and literal star trails of the other Mandalorians, he was using his ship to Dark Wind to get to the planet Taris without causing a stir. The black lit ship was easier to hide, and made that even better with the problems going on around Taris. There were a few other Rekali ships, in the dark green and red of their station, were along the ones that accompanied Clan Rodarch and the other protectors, but Marek had his own goals.

Shooting fast for the planet, he moved with speed

“Clan Rekali has arrived.”
Stated one of the Field Marshals as the fleet arrived.

Marek was on his way towards the landing areas, the ones that he pulled from Gred and Rodarch.

“Where is the armor being deployed?”
Marek was asking, a joint message to Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch and Mig Gred Mig Gred .
Now Playing - Witchhelm - Wytchcraft
Location - Taris, Perimeter of the Business District
Objective - Neutral - "Corpse Collection" - Ground Portion

Contii's Made Men were numbered in the dozens. Using their B.M.F Pin inserts, a small group of them would interlock their cybernetic limbs with one another, amalgamating into a larger and larger mass as more Made Men piled onto the construct.

Some tore off their own arms and legs to fit into the main body like an improvised puzzle. These instances that combined together formed into another HYDRA droid. Four were now roaming the streets, just outside the range of the overhead fire.

They consumed bodies and living civilians a-like. They intended to capitalize on the chaos, and murder whoever they could, and collect as much fresh biomass as they could fill their artificial bellies with. 24 Made Men units flanked the towering HYDRA droids, and began barrelling towards the nearest living thing. They vocalized distorted screams - some began to copy the inflexion of their innocent victims, and stole their voices.


Any civilians who attempted to follow these false voices with the intention to help, would only round the corner to observe a rotting and thin cadaver, speaking in the voice of a fresh victim. They would soon be murdered after - having alerted the hoard, as Made Men patrolled the streets, and uncannily dashed towards anybody they could get their hands on.

Contii walked in the carved out ditch in the middle of the street. He observed the crimson hue of plasma radiate past the black smog overhead. He giggled to himself, and proceeded to ignite his lightsaber. It crackled a bleeding red, which overcasted Contii's joyful smile through his flesh mask. He swiped his lightsaber at absconding civilians who dared tread past him, as they attempted to save themselves from the mechanized zombies on the streets.

Contii intended to patrol the perimeter of the business district. He was avoiding the cascading hellfire, and the deployed ground troops warring with the pirates in the center. In his current position, he could kill and extract bodies without threat of retaliation. Maybe the odd civilian would stand against him with frail confidence, but they would soon be added to the pile in the end.

"How delightful! It's like a trip to the market, but everything's free for the taking!"
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