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Character Livia Cadera

Livia Cadera



NAME: Livia Cadera

  • Birth Name unknown
  • Spite - To Dodhorn
  • Liv
  • Goldie
  • Clan Cadera
  • Eternal Empire - non citizen contractor
  • Mandalorian Assassin
SPECIES: Firrerreo chosen for her above average regeneration qualities
AGE: 20
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 1.64m
EYES: Golden
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Golden
  • Basic
  • Firrerreo
  • Mandoade


Livia has the golden skin and eyes of her species along with straight dark brown hair. She is of average height for a female but has well toned muscles.


Firrereo physiology - Rapid regeneration allows small injuries to heal rapidly and large injuries to heal much faster than humans. Excellent strength and reflexes for a non-force user.

Dral-kayatr enhancement - The Dral-Kayatr alloy that is fused to her skeleton makes her incredibly resilient and allows her to project claws from her knuckles. Mercifully the addition of the changing molecule to the alloy allows the metal to work with her anatomy rather than against it.

Force resistance - The final addition was voidmetal to give her resistance to force powers that affect either her body including her mind due to the plating on her skull. This is a blunt resistance that she has no control over and her flesh is still vulnerable.

Training - Livia was trained for combat as a child and her training has continued after adoption into Clan Cadera making her a talented fighter.


Metal additions - She is significantly heavier than her frame would suggest due to the Dral-kayatr metal and it makes her easier to detect with scanners such as metal detectors.

Poor Empathy - She was trained to be a warrior and to separate the target from its humanity making her excessively violent and ruthless potentially making her a liability.

Force resistance - The bluntness of her force resistance means she cannot choose what affects her so allies trying to use the force to her advantage, such as telepathically catching her, will still be resisted.


Trust issues - Finds it hard to balance trust, sometimes trusting the wrong people too much and being difficult to see who actually wants to help her.

Substance Issues - Her procedure causes her near constant but varying levels of pain or discomfort, she can mostly handle this but has had intermittent dependence issues on pain killers.


Livia does not know where she was born but she remembers about a dozen other Firrerreo children growing up together in a scientific facility with toys and staff that took care of her. They had been abducted by agents of Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert at a very young age for a special project. Over the years she was put through various gruelling and dangerous trials and the number of children dwindled and dwindled until there was just her. She remembers undergoing a series of medical experiments and surgical procedures but her recollection is hazy because of the drugs and pain involved.

The procedures involved removing 60% of her natural bone mass and fusing an alloy of Dral-kayatr, Changing molecule and voidmetal to her remaining skeleton.

By the time she was fourteen she had been surgically enhanced and emotionally programmed to Dodhorn's satisfaction and began being sent on missions as a mandalorian assassin, typically unarmoured and dressed casually, only revealing her true nature when it was too late for her target to respond. Her first mission could be considered her verd'goten as it was when other members of the Clan began treating her as an adult and subjecting her to the same survival of the fittest mentality as the rest of them, but she was never officially granted the name Harert.

After around four years of this, Livia honed her skills and became quite lethal with a coldness that her master was pleased with. Until at seventeen she was put on the defensive when another mandalorian clan raided the safe house that she and several other agents were inhabiting. Most of the other agents were killed but Livia's resilience allowed her to survive the otherwise lethal injuries and be taken into custody by clan Cadera.

Luckily for her, the Cadera’s clan recognised her that she was a tool of evil and not true evil herself, so they took the time to undo most of her emotional programming before offering her a new home with the clan on Evaarla'yaim.

She is now twenty years old and is a competent if excessively violent member of the Clan, bounties are more likely to be delivered dead than alive and Livia is usually the first to put her name down for pure asassination contracts. She has armour but is quite satisfied fighting with simply a Jetpack and her own body.

Scorpion assault fighter

Livia's beskar'gam
Livia's skeleton

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