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Approved Armor Livia's Beskar'gam

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Manufacturer: Clan Cadera Smiths
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy

Livia's Beskar'gam
Image source: Armouredheart
(edits by me)​




  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Kinetic: Very High
  • Energy: Very High
  • Temperature Extremes: High
  • EMP/ Ion: Average
  • Disruptor: Average
  • Sonic: Average
  • Radiation: Low


  • Advanced systems: The armour is built with several advanced systems allowing it to perform well in combat.
  • Mandalorian Legacy: Forged from Beskar, this beskar'gam is a traditional Mandalorian suit of armour with beautiful defensive and destructive properties.
  • Armed To The Teeth: From head to toe, this beskar'gam has an arsenal of weapons and equipment to increase combat and killing efficiency, these are all powered directly from the inbuilt reactor
  • Limited stealth: The stealth polymer makes the user harder to track and the voidmetal harder to sense. These are not perfect cloaks by any means may buy the user the prescious few seconds they need.
  • Power dependant: Requires constant power for flight and weapons, if the reactor fails or becomes damaged it may leave the user vulnerable.
  • Composite bodysuit: The undersuit is much thinner and more flexible than the armoured parts. Whilst it will stop a glancing blow or low calibre weapons, the gaps in her beskar plates are relatively vulnerable.
  • Unsubtle: The stealth polymer makes the metal less shiny and acts similarly to a primitive adaptive camouflage to unaided sight. But any focused adversary will easily detect the armour and its wearer.


Livia's suit was mostly built forher, rather than by her, her own skills being better to killing than smiting. It is a fairly advanced suit of armour and excellent at its given role while still being a fairly grounded suit of armour with the usual types if weaponry. The plasma beskad behaves similarly to a planar lightsaber but it's position fixed to the arm makes it awkward for combat and more useful just for breaching secure locations.

The pair of "everybody's best friend" sprays that raise only just shy of the inner forearms were a last minute addition to give more non-lethal flexibility.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a suit of armour for Livia Cadera
Image Source(s):
Permissions: See body text

Technical Information

Affiliation: Livia Cadera
Modular: Yes
Material: See body text
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsabers: Very High
EMP/ Ion: Average
Disruptor: Average

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Livia Cadera Livia Cadera

Very cool sub! I had to move this sub to the Armour category from the tech section, because it is an armour.
  • Because I had to move it, I would like to ask you to edit the pre-made fields, the Amour template has more than the simple tech.
  • The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
  • The Harrower, Force Avenger Energy Shield, Varpeline and the FAE-S-01 Pentozali agility array links are broken, I would like to ask you to edit these,
  • And about Sahan Dragr's permission, you forgot to link it.
  • And you deleted the "Description" field, you can't delete any fields, I would like to ask you to add it back to the template and fill it.
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