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Approved Tech Livia's skeleton

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Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average


  • Replaces 60% of Livia's adult bone mass
  • Created by combining the following materials
  • The Mandalorian steel gives durability, the Void steel enhances force resistance and the changing molecule helps the material work with the host's anatomy rather than against.
  • Superb Durability - The material is extremely strong and durable, allowing it to survive lightsaber hits and blaster bolts with limited damage.
  • Void metal - the material has a mild resistance to the force which it also passes on to any organs entirely shielded by the metal.
  • Changing molecule - the metal has been combined with this nether material so it could grow with Livia as she developed and also with training the host can cause it to change shape.
  • On the inside - it is an ENDOskeletal upgrade. Which means that although the materials are tough, they are underneath the flesh and muscles so provide no protection, either physical of force based to un-covered tissue.
  • Irreversible - once applied and fused to the bones and the hosts genetics, the process cannot be reversed without killing the host.
  • Limited changeability - training the body to shape the metal takes years of practice as the changing molecule was primarily so the structure would grow with Livia as she aged. Learning to change the metal into novel shapes requires exhausting discipline and extensive practice so cannot be done on the fly.

Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert is a monster in every sense and this project was no different. She took several Firrerreo children, their species chosen due to its resilience and made them suffer until she had found the subject that was the most survivable.

When Livia was still in single digits, she began removing a large portion of her bone mass and replacing it with an exotic metal alloy. Over a many months of extremely painful surgeries, 60% of her bone was gone and replaced by this material and after punishing physiotherapy she began training to utilise it.

It is strong and tough, capable of blocking a light saber blade (if you don't mind losing the the soft tissue on the limb in the process) and the material has a mild resistance to the force, including shielding her thoughts from being read due to the full enclosure of her skull.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To canonise Livia's cybernetic augmentation
Permissions: Dodhorn as manufacturer - ---- Changing molecule under full permissions -

Technical Information

Affiliation: Livia Cadera
Modular: No
Material: See body
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