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Private Living in a Fractured World

Cidy Lu



Location: Zeltros - Hill House Sanatorium
Objective: Make new friends
Tags: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

Ane was walking through the halls humming slightly to herself. She hated how even in these pristine clean halls she could still smell the foul stench of the planet Zeltros. The hedonistic planet made her want to vomit or take a knife to every jackass out cheating on their spouse with some red skinned devil. But she was stuck here for the moment so she figured she would make the best of it. The staff of the psychiatric unit walked passed her, some giving her smiles and others ignoring her. She was obviously a known sight in this hospital, which made sense considering her father owned it and was the chief psychiatrist. Her own mother was one of the patients but Ane didn't like to think about that. It upset her delicate mind. Instead today she was thinking about Mr. Boris. Mr. Boris was a long term resident who had been at the hospital since before Ane could walk well. She remembered toddling around his room while her father administered medication and listened to the mans ramblings. Nothing Mr. Boris said many any sense. Her father had described it as paranoid schizophrenia but Ane wasn't really sure what that was. She had read about it of course, but she felt like her fathers diagnosis was all wrong. Mr. Boris just needed to act out he violent images in his mind and then Ane felt confident the man would be back to his happy healthy self. She loved her father but sometimes he was too soft on these patients. Most of them were in Hill House because they were criminally insane and had already hurt others. She supposed missing the violence of their past was upsetting many of them.

Ane swiped the keycard to the room Mr. Boris was in and let herself in. She wasn't supposed to be here but the nurses never noticed when she borrowed a key card. They were too busy running around changing bed pans to worry about a little girl. Admittedly so was her father, which annoyed Ane. Yesterday she'd asked her dad if they could go to the park like they used to when she was a kid and he'd told her he was too busy. That was partially why the little girl was here today. Her father was about to see how busy his life could get.

"Hi Mr. Boris, how do you feel today?"

She asked the question rhetorically because he almost never answered when the doctors asked. She pulled up a seat and sat at the edge of his bed. He had restraints on and was mumbling to himself. He didn't even seem to notice the little girl was here. It didn't bother her. She was chatting about the weather, the way she had seen the other nurses do, while she undid the mans restraints. As soon as she loosened one of his hands he stopped mumbling and looked over at her, a familiar hunger in his eye. She smiled at him and got up, prancing across the room while he mauled at the restraint holding his other arm. On her way out she turned and dropped a small pen she'd taken from the nurses desk. With a smirk she closed the door behind her as the man thrashed in his bed like a caged animal.

She only got a few steps down the hall before she heard the crashing noises from his room. A nurse ran in to check on him and she heard the screaming. She sat down in the hallway as more nurses and orderlies fled into the room. She could smell the blood from whoever Mr. Boris had stabbed with the pen but she was already getting bored of the scene and had pulled out a coloring book while she waited.

After about half an hour her father left the room, talking to a nurse.

"Keep his medication doubled to keep him sedated. I don't know how he got out of his restraints. We will need an inquiry. Is Steph okay?"

"Yes sir. She needed stitches in her neck though."

"Tell her to take the rest of the week off. She needs to recover."

"Doctor we are already short staffed and you have those mining people coming today."

"I know. Its going to be long night for me."

He signed and ran his hair wearily through his greying dark hair.

"Ana what are you doing over there?"

"Just coloring daddy."

"Why don't you go down to the lobby. We are expecting guests and you can greet them when they arrive. I'm going to be working really late."

She smirked at her father and knew exactly why he was going to be working late. Maybe this would teach him to take the time to spend time with his daughter Ana when she asked. "Okay Daddy... and Daddy.. Its Ane."

He smiled at her and nodded, knowing she was in that weird time where she both wanted to grow up and sound older but also still wanted to be a child. He figured this new name was a phase like anything else.

"Alright Ane then."

She smiled at him and went to the lift to head to the lobby to wait for the arrival of the mining people. Apparently some of the land Hill House was on had some rare mineral and her father was hoping to sell it so he could make improvements tot he hospital. The little girl wasn't really interested in any of the boring business. She just hoped someone interesting arrived today. She hated to be bored but she knew she likely would be since her father was certainly too busy to play with her now.

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In typical teenager fashion, Persephone was not looking forward to this meeting. First off, it was in a mental hospital. Secondly, it was on Zeltros. She had been here before in an attempt to survive - which was how she came into the care of Judah and then eventually adopted by Myra and Makai. Persie had come to the planet fresh after her Mama had died. Anything reminding her of the fact she wanted to put behind her but it seemed the universe had other plans.

She entered the lobby after Makai, smoothing her skirt a little, she was attempting to look like a teenager and a budding adult with a more business-casual outfit. Had a lot of those lately. Her guardian immediately started speaking with someone at the desk - the lobby was set up where one couldn't go any further.

Persie merely hung back, looking around the space.

Anazine Ryiah


Cidy Lu



Location: Zeltros - Hill House Sanatorium
Objective: Make new friends
Tags: Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

Ane was sitting on a comfy leather chair in the lobby when people who could only be the business executives walked in. They did not look anything like patients or a parent trying to commit his daughter. The daughter was well dressed and seemed bored but not crazy. Ane was bored too so she was quick to try to make friends.


She walked up to the girl and smiled.

“You must be here about drilling on our property. I didn’t know business owners were so young! You look like you aren’t much older than me! That’s so cool.”

The receptionist was buzzing them in. The only way forward was through a door that was always locked but Ane was used to it.


"Hello, Persephone Dashiell. " A manicured hand with bright pink nails reached out in greeting. "Pleasure."

She was uneasy about the entire situation. One, it was a secure facility. The locked doors would make anyone nervous, let alone a teenage girl. Plus there was unusual noises, the sounds of patients moving around the halls. The girl didn't seem to be a patient, mainly because she was outside the locked door in the lobby and reception area.

"I don't own the business, just part of the family. I'm along to learn and observe."

Persephone squared her shoulders and followed behind Makai as she did so. Ocean blue eyes kept stealing glances at the teenage girl. There was a mental debate of what to ask but in typical old Persephone fashion, she was going to ask anyways. Even if her finishing school tutor would be aghast at her phrasing.

"Why are you here? Went crazy?"


Cidy Lu

“You can call me Ane! It’s so nice to have someone young here for a change. Most of the young violent offenders end up in juvie so I never have anybody my age to talk to.”

She followed the family through the secure doors as a nurse lead them toward the conference room. She could tell they were nervous, especially the girl. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said the words violent offenders, but it was true. Everyone here had committed a violent crime. At least that she knew of.

She laughed at the rude question and got the feeling the adults wouldn’t like it if this girl was asking those things.

“We all go a little crazy sometimes.”

She grinned and held the door of the conference room open for everyone, savoring the fact that she didn’t answer the question and that might cause unease.

But of course her father had to ruin it all because even they came in he introduced her.

“Hello, I see you’ve already my Ane, my daughter. My name is Dr. Folkton. I am the primary psychiatrist here at Hill House. Can I get you any refreshments?”

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell

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