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Approved Tech LM 5a Blaster Rifle

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AE 1-A

Chief Engineer at FOTM

Intent: Generic Blaster Rifle for Lord Mettallum's army.
Image Source: [X] Edited
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: FOTM
Model: LM 5a Blaster Rifle
Affiliation: Metal Lords, Closed Market
Modularity: Scopes can easily be changed
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel, blaster components

Classification: Blaster Rifle
Size: Two handed
Length: 1.2m
Weight: 10kg
Ammunition Type: Power cell, gas canister
Ammunition Capacity: Power pack capacity of 65 normal shots and 10 High Powered shots and a gas canister capacity is 150 normal shots and 25 high powered shots.
Effective Range: Normal mode 450m, High powered mode Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Semi-automatic, Single Shot

Two modes of fire
Scope connected to hud

Higher range than normal blaster
High Powered mode enables the blaster to be used as a sniper
Gun is able to connect to a users HUD if wearing a helmet enabling them to see the guns infomation such as ammo and a predicted course of a blaster bolt if shot
High Powered shot has high recoil
Low rate of fire with high powered shot
Ion/emp weapons disable the gun
Gun does overheat in normal time if shot multiple times without giving it time to cooldown. Normally takes 5-10 seconds to cooldown after overheating and in rare cases the gun requires on field repairs

The standard issue blaster given to all basic infantry who join Lord Mettallum's army. This blaster is able to be set in two different modes allowing it to be used in different situations. The first mode is the normal default mode that has the gun as a semi automatic blaster rifle and the second mode which is high powered which enables the weapon to be used more like a sniper with increased range. One important ability is the gun is able to connect to a users helmet hud which enables them to see ammo count and provide infomation and the status of the gun and the predicted course a blaster bolt would take if the weapon is shot.


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AE 1-A said:
the second mode which is high powered which enables the weapon to be used more like a sniper with increased range.
  • Please list this increased range under Effective range.

AE 1-A said:
Gun does overheat in normal time if shot multiple times without giving it time to cooldown
  • What happens when the gun overheats?
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