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Approved Tech LO-MRS1

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Manufacturer: Lilaste Manufacturing
Type: Mechanical
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Small
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
  • Electromagnetic Coil Housing
  • Durasteel Frame
  • Fyrirdögun-Plated Exterior
  • Power Conduits and Discharge Nodes

  • Magnetic Pulse Emitter: Generates a powerful, directed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to deflect incoming metallic projectiles such as grenades, slugs, or mines before they can reach the vehicle.
  • 360-Degree Coverage: The system is capable of projecting the magnetic pulse in all directions, offering comprehensive protection around the vehicle or walker.
  • Automated Triggering System: Sensors detect incoming metallic threats, automatically triggering the pulse without manual input.
  • Energy-Efficient Design: Utilizes a capacitor system that draws minimal power from the vehicle, only using energy when threats are detected.

  1. Projectile Deflection: The magnetic pulse system is highly effective at deflecting metallic projectiles, including grenades, mines, and shrapnel, preventing them from reaching the vehicle or walker.
  2. Wide Coverage: With 360-degree protection, the system can detect and neutralize threats from all directions, ensuring no blind spots around the vehicle.
  3. Automatic Response: The automated triggering system ensures that incoming threats are quickly neutralized without the need for manual activation, allowing the crew to focus on other tasks.

  1. Limited Effect on Non-Metallic Threats: The system is only effective against metallic projectiles and has no impact on energy-based weapons, explosives made of non-metallic materials, or organic threats.
  2. Energy Drain Over Time: Although energy-efficient, repeated activations during prolonged engagements can strain the vehicle's power systems, potentially leading to reduced effectiveness.
  3. Short Range: The system only repels projectiles within a limited range, meaning it may be less effective against long-range attacks or projectiles with high velocity that are not deflected in time.

The LO-MRS1 Magnetic Repulsion System is a cutting-edge defense mechanism developed by the Lilaste Order to protect its vehicles and walkers from metallic projectiles. By generating a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP), the LO-MRS1 can deflect incoming threats such as grenades, mines, and other metallic ordnance before they can strike the vehicle, ensuring the safety of the crew and preserving the vehicle's operational capabilities.

The system is designed with 360-degree coverage, ensuring full protection around the vehicle from all directions. Advanced sensors detect incoming metallic threats and automatically trigger the EMP, deflecting the projectile away from the vehicle. The electromagnetic pulse is powerful enough to alter the trajectory of most metallic projectiles, causing them to veer off course or be pushed away entirely.

While the system is incredibly effective against metallic threats, it has limitations. It cannot counter energy-based weapons, organic threats, or non-metallic explosives. Additionally, repeated use of the EMP in prolonged combat scenarios can drain the vehicle's power reserves, reducing the system's operational lifespan in extended engagements.

The LO-MRS1 is a valuable defensive tool for the Lilaste Order, ensuring that its vehicles and walkers are protected from metallic projectiles, allowing them to survive and thrive in even the most hazardous combat environments.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A magnetic repulsion system designed to protect Lilaste Order walkers and vehicles from metallic projectiles and grenades by deflecting them with an electromagnetic pulse.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Lilaste order
Modular: No
Material: Fyrirdögun, Durasteel
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