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Approved Ranged Weapon LO-PDL-1A

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Manufacturer: Lilaste Manufacturing
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Very Small
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Image source : Dall-e


  • Fyrirdögun Plating (Exterior Armor)
  • Durasteel Frame
  • Blaster-Grade Focusing Lenses
  • High-Energy Laser Emitters

  • Rapid-Fire Laser Cannons: Fires highly accurate laser bolts at incoming projectiles such as missiles, rockets, and other ordnance.
  • 360-Degree Coverage: Capable of rotating to provide full defensive coverage around the vehicle or walker.
  • Automated Targeting System: Uses advanced sensors to detect and track incoming threats autonomously, allowing the system to engage multiple targets simultaneously.
  • Energy Efficient: Designed to use minimal power while maintaining a high rate of fire, ensuring sustained defensive coverage without overtaxing the vehicle's energy reserves.
  1. High Precision: Capable of intercepting fast-moving projectiles such as missiles, rockets, and even grenades, providing critical protection against enemy fire.
  2. Automated Defense: The advanced targeting system operates autonomously, meaning it can detect and neutralize threats without needing manual control, freeing up the crew for other tasks.
  3. Full Coverage: With a 360-degree rotational range, the point defense system can engage threats from any direction, ensuring no blind spots for incoming ordnance.
  • Limited Power Against Larger Targets: While highly effective against small projectiles, the system struggles to deal significant damage to larger vehicles, infantry, or heavy armor.
  • Overwhelmed by Swarm Attacks: In the case of concentrated, high-volume attacks (e.g., missile swarms or artillery barrages), the system can be overwhelmed, allowing some projectiles to get through.
  • Energy Dependency: Although energy efficient, the point defense system still relies on the vehicle's power supply. Extended use without adequate energy reserves can drain the vehicle's power, reducing its effectiveness in long engagements.
The LO-PD1 is a cutting-edge point defense laser system developed by the Lilaste Order to protect its vehicles and walkers from incoming projectiles. Designed to engage missiles, rockets, and other fast-moving ordnance, the LO-PD1 offers a robust defense mechanism against a wide range of threats on the battlefield.

Equipped with advanced targeting systems and high-energy laser emitters, the LO-PD1 can autonomously detect, track, and eliminate incoming threats before they impact the vehicle. The system's 360-degree rotational range ensures comprehensive coverage, allowing it to engage projectiles from any direction. This makes the LO-PD1 particularly effective in high-threat environments where enemy forces may attempt to neutralize vehicles with missile strikes or artillery bombardments.

The rapid-fire laser cannons mounted within the system are finely tuned for precision, offering a near-instantaneous response to detected threats. The system operates autonomously, freeing up the crew to focus on other tasks without needing to manually control the defense system. Its energy-efficient design also ensures that it can operate for extended periods without placing excessive strain on the vehicle's power supply.

However, the LO-PD1 is not without its limitations. While exceptionally effective against small projectiles, it lacks the power to deal with larger threats, such as heavy vehicles or enemy infantry. Additionally, in the face of concentrated swarm attacks, the system can become overwhelmed, allowing some ordnance to slip through its defenses. Extended use during prolonged engagements can also drain the vehicle's power reserves, potentially leaving the vehicle vulnerable.

Despite these drawbacks, the LO-PD1 point defense laser system offers the Lilaste Order a powerful tool for protecting its assets in high-intensity combat situations, ensuring that its vehicles and walkers can survive even in the most hostile environments.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: to create a AMS system for Lilaste walkers and tanks
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Lilaste order
Model: Laser Point Defense system
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Fyrirdögun, Durasteel
Ammunition Type: energy
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: None
Ranged Class: Other
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Laphisto Laphisto

Looks good, but it is a ranged weapon. I moved to the right place. Because of this, I would like to ask you to modify the pre-made fields, because the simple tech section has different fields than the ranged weapons.
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