Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA: 09/03 - ???

If you'll forgive me and my tyrannical feelings apparently, I'm going to take a brief leave of the site although I don't know if I will return. I'm going to sleep on it but I apologize to everyone who I owe threads with and to whom I write with as well, as I've come to know some of you as wonderful writing partners and even good friends. I wish you all the best of luck in the future, thank you for the memories.

[member="Ria Misrani"] I apologize for everything that has happened today. You've done great work and have written fun stories. I hope you come back and give us another chance. If you need anything you can always just drop me a message on the board. Have a good one.

Marzena Vaas

This makes me so sad.

I have had a lot of fun getting to know you and your characters. Take a breather, refresh, and please consider coming back.

I will be around if you need to talk, Unni is here for you! <3

[member="Ria Misrani"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Ria Misrani said:
If you'll forgive me and my tyrannical feelings apparently, I'm going to take a brief leave of the site although I don't know if I will return. I'm going to sleep on it but I apologize to everyone who I owe threads with and to whom I write with as well, as I've come to know some of you as wonderful writing partners and even good friends. I wish you all the best of luck in the future, thank you for the memories.

As current Member of the Month (and therefore, if my reading of the rulebook is right, Reigning Queen of Chaos) I have considered your request for a leave of absence and unfortunately I cannot approve it. Request is denied. Please return to your post.

That's all.

Connor Harrison

[member="Ria Misrani"] I'm sorry for what's gone on today; it shouldn't have even taken place.

I hope you take some time out that you may need and come back should you have the desire too - we'll be here if you need us. :)
[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Runi Verin"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Marzena Choi"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Spencer Varanin"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"]​
  • Dear Spencer, you're still not getting your pillow back, but you have the most amazeballs shampoo though.
  • Dear Runi, where you at girl?
  • Dear Natasi, I'm your favorite riff raff you've yet to thread with.
  • Dear Marzena, totally bootlegged your last album but it was kickin'.
  • Dear Siobhan, the guns are totally awesome, please make more, thanks.
  • Dear Connor, don't think I'll ever find myself out in SSC but nice face, but we should thread.
  • Dear Lily, we should thread too, do you have something that needs hacking? Or someone who needs to have their glitter jacked?
[member="Ra Vizsla"]​
  • Dear Ra, we might be related through some dude named Quez, but that's about it - *cues up Bon Jovi's Shot Through the Heart*
[member="The Gray Assassin"]​
  • Dear Gray, once upon a wonder year I did, and after years of being disappointed I've given up, but I hope you continue to find joy in them.

I'm Back.
Thank you, all.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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