Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA 10/23 - 10/30


the title pretty much says it all. Due to real life complications and a general lack of muse, I will be taking a week's break from today (Sunday - Sunday). I'm sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause and especially sorry to those that actually need posts from me. I've tried writing, even switched threads and tried writing again -- nothing is working. So, I'm just going to take a break from writing, find some books, and just immerse myself in good reading.

People this may affect:
  • [member=Mara D'lessio Merrill] and the Alchemy Workshop !
  • [member=Audren Sykes]
I'm not sure if I've forgotten anyone, but wow that is a very brief and list of people -- Two.

Anyways, have a good one guys. I will probably be on to have a look at things, I know Chaos can change drastically on a weekly basis.

Stay Golden !

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