Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA 29-12


Just a quick heads up to let you know that I'll be gone from July 29 until August 12. I don't really have that many threads but I figured I would still drop a post here.

These people might notice my disappearance :D :

(As Abigail) [member="Alexandra Feanor"] - [member="Lilla Syrin"] - [member="Loreena Arenais"]

(As Skye) [member="Marina DeVoe"] - [member="Ayda Elisantra"]

Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)
Who do I have to sleep around here to get your LOA denied, [member="RoVlo"] ?
And if I can't influence by any means of stopping you, then I'll want a bonafide letter of intent for you to return...NOTARIZED!!!

So help me, if you disappear on me.... I'll...I'll-... Well, I don't know what I'll do...but I wont be happy! :angry:
[member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] | [member="Loreena Arenais"] | [member="Lilla Syrin"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

I'm home again, so posts will be coming either today or tomorrow :D

Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)
Wonderful... @RoVlo *eyes make a circle*
Now I'll have to get out of this alt and fit back into the other. Damn, doesn't that girl eat?! She's like-
Uhm...never mind. :wacko:

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