Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA: 3/6 - 3/10

Hey all, I just got called to travel for business. Apparently the team in Texas is really fubaring their critical, if-we-fubar-this-project-we'll-cost-the-company-some-hundred-million-dollars project. So, they're sending some people to get the team back on task.


Anyways, I'll be away, but I'll check-in every night as usual.

Plus, I'm not in any active threads, so I don't think this affects anyone.

Connor Harrison

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"] Take care! I thought you were away for like 4 months starting in June, and thought that was a very early warning!

BUT of course it's the old UK way looking at a date like 3/6 meaning 3rd of June to 3/10, 3rd of October. :)

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