Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA / Announcement

OOC Writer Account
Last month, I was feeling very motivated to write on SWRP. I participated in the OS usurping to try and become the Dark Lord of the Sith as [member="Vilox Pazela"]; I got right into the thick of things with the Galactic Republic as [member="Ella Nova"]; and I planned to continue growing my businesses in tier as [member="Alicia Drey"]. Forward five or so weeks and I'm feeling pretty drained. I haven't made a IC post on SWRP in over a week.

I've had some financial and health issues irl, coupled with a deep depression, so I have a bad case of writers block. I write when I am depressed mostly, as it helps me get off my thoughts, but every now and then I just can't write and that just happens to be the case right now.

My main prerogative on SWRP Chaos is [member="Darth Ayra"]. She is my favourite character on this website because I feel that her story has the most potential. Her story has also progressed much further than all my characters and I quite simply enjoy writing her more than my other characters. I've always primarily been a Sith writer, and whilst I've enjoyed my experiment with [member="Ella Nova"], the current status of the Galactic Republic is stressful.

Sad as I am to let down the GR faction down, I will be retiring Ella. I also will be dropping [member="Vilox Pazela"]. When I do come back from this LOA, which is for an indefinite amount of time (probably when I am feeling better), I will be focusing entirely on [member="Darth Ayra"] / [member="Alicia Drey"]. I just can't handle more than one character. I'm limited like that.

That's all folks.

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