Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Effective Immediately

Hei Hei Guys!

It's my birthday coming up and also getting in to a busier season for work. I don't have time to maintain any sense of urgent posting frequency, so consider this my notice of Leave from the Board and all Skype-Based Board life. If you want me to reply to something on the occasion, hit me up on Skype. If you don't have my Skype, I might read PM's once in a while!

For those of you I have active threads with, I'll be replying slowly, if at all. Work First, and should you want to back-and-forth on a break day, I'd be up for a little. You know who you are.

For those of you we had ideas on, sorry! No dice!

Characters Effected:
Anders Sivas
[member="Ahani Najwa"]
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]
[member="Aditya Mantis"]
[member="Livia Maddox"]
[member="Manu Xextos"] (When it comes to all things Sabarene-based, I leave them in the ever capable hands of [member="Lucien Cordel"], of whom I have complete trust and a devoted friendship)

  • Anders Sivas has disappeared into the ether with her lover [member="Mikhail Shorn"] (who no doubt is still as active as ever), to have his twins and live the life of a Mom with Super Powers.
  • [member="Ahani Najwa"] has run off with her Mandalorian beau [member="Aran Ordo"] to live a life without using her Force Powers and probably just hunting Many Big Things. (Aran, feel free to NPC Ahani/continue our two threads.)
  • [member="Ginnie Ordo"] is working her Cathedral Forge & being the best daughter she can be to Clan Ordo.
  • [member="Aditya Mantis"] is having [member="Preliat Mantis"]' baby girl Yasha, and working as an engineer when she feels she can take the time from being a new Mom.
  • [member="Livia Maddox"] is patrolling the borders of the Levantine Sanctum with her ship, the Sikke Vahan and its' thousands-strong crew.
  • [member="Manu Xextos"], in a burst of light, has disappeared. None know if he is alive or dead. There is no trace of him, or his presence anywhere.


Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat

But seriously have a happy birthday, mine's coming up soon too though all my family is in Canada except me sis and me bro :D

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