Coryth Elaris
Shortstack of Fire
I'm in the process of packing and leaving right now, to head to a dear friend's house to avoid some demons in my life. Those who know the story, do know what I'm talking about. It'll be a few days until I can get adjusted and settled in. I'll be staying with said friend for at least two weeks, maybe up to as many as six weeks or more. I don't know. But I will have internet access at her home. It will just be a few days before I settle in and get everything set up all proper, the way I need to. It's kind of why I haven't been around these last few days as it is, packing and dealing with more than any human should have to, but such is my life. I'll be back as soon as I can. I expect just being offline for one to two days. Maybe not even that. But yeah, I need the time to settle, to cry and work through a bunch of stuff as well as get comfortable in a new temporary home. <3 you all. I'll be around soon as I can.