Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA indefinitely

I'm leaving SWRP indefinitely. A lot of things have happened recently and long story short, I was getting cyberbullied by people from school. It's getting better now but I just need some time off. I'm sorry for anyone this may inconvenience but I will return in the future.

People who may want to know or rp with one of my characters:
[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Esther Matumaini"] [member="Shor Laurent"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

This isn't permanent, I just want to make that clear. Maybe just a month or two, I'll see how I feel about rejoining. (Also, it doesn't help that my laptop won't stay on for more than 10 minutes at a time with a dodgy battery)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]

That's very sad when people resort to cyber bullying. Take whatever time you need and as Sempra said, we'll be here for you when you return. Keep your chin up :)

Neiros Starwind

Fun little lollipop triple dipped in psycho.
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]

People suck. I don't know if there is a simpler way to put it.

I don't know you, and as I am really new to the forums, no one knows me, but know this. Nothing on the whole of the internet is more important than real life. So you take care of you first. This forum, will still be here when you come back. Any games you play online, will be here when you come back. Any comics you read, sites you visit, etc etc etc. It'll all be here when you get back.

So take your time, get yourself right, get yourself where you feel you need to be. And when/if you come back, you'll be better all the way around for the time you take now.

Be safe, be well!
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Deeply sorry for the things others have put you through.

Take care of yourself always and stay positive.

I know it's hard to do sometimes with others bringing you down.

See ya when you get back!
[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]

I've never written with you but best of luck. An incredibly sad situation, almost makes me glad I was bullied before the internet really took off. If you ever need to rant or pop in to complain, don't be a stranger. Hopefully you come back soon :)
Thank you everyone, you're all such kind people. <3

[member="Spencer Jacobs"] sadly it was a girl from my school, you know how teenage girls are haha. One of my internet friends actually defended me, she's a Godsent.

Elion Menaio

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]

You will be much missed. Cyberbullying is never cool and those who do it are a**holes who have pent up anger that they don't know how to vent it correctly. Give it some time and it'll be way better.

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