Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LoA next 2-3 days

Off to Vegas tomorrow morning. Stuck at work till midnight.

Expect lower (or none) posting rate until Thursday/Friday.

This affects all my characters so I am gonna tag random peeps I know I am in a thread with.

[member="The Slave"] and all the Dominion folks in the Rebellion.

[member="Thalira Kiing"] and the pirate folks. I don't mind getting skipped till y'all get to the heist itself.

[member="Kuril Vehn"], [member="Valessia Brentioch"] - the Taloraan dominion.

[member="Edward Varric"] - the knight/acolyte story we got.

[member="Joza Perl"] - Dad Disappears Again™.

[member="Tai Fa"], [member="Catalys Maijora"] - Dromund Kaas invasion. Go ahead and NPC me if you have to.

[member="Aria Vale"] - I will post, I promise.

[member="Lady Kay"] and the arms deal with Commenor (although, we might as well be almost over).

Uh, there might be more peeps, I don't know but that's the first that come to mind.


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