Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[LOA] Oh Noe! Pt.2


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
Now I've been away for while and I'm sorry to say that this LOA is going to be extended as I'm going into college at the moment. So because of this a bunch of stuff is crazy. My mother has kicked me out and I'm staying with friends and don't have much time to actually roleplay on here. I will be back once I'm settled in probably. Still love you guys tho, but as of right now I've got an extended Hiatus for these characters and their roleplays


[member="Anton Nadramie"]


[member="Rose Vishkall"]


[member="Ember Asch Igantaus"]

Sorry, love you all.


Furred Fister, Brown Boxer
[member="Bryce Bantam"] I'll try my hardest Bryce.

[member="Kei Amadis"] Thank you kindly for the encouragement it hasn't fallen on deaf ears.

[member="Judah Dashiell"] Actually this place provides free housing on Campus and is tuition free, it's a great door for me to take and they'll house me for up to two years and provide job search assistance. It's a place called Job Corp if anyone is interested.

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