Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA - On main and subs until 26.

I am sorry for those who have experienced my lack of posting for the last couple of days and no word about this.

Should have posted this earlier.

But next week I have loads of exams so i'll be back on forum the 26. or at the latest the 27.

May the force be with all those who study and although you may be a follower of the darkside you must remeber: there is no emotion there is preace.

For when it comes to exams, stress gets you nowere ;)

[member="Solan Charr"] - [member="Alicia Drey"] - [member="Jen"] - [member="Dravek"] - [member="Vulpesen"] - [member="Rat"] - [member="Khayla Malagan"]

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